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The Impact of Influencer Marketing -7 tips to Ace Web Design 

Influencer marketing has become a powerhouse for brands seeking to reach their target audience more effectively. Through this approach brands collaborate with influential figures on social media to promote products and services. This dynamic form of marketing has not only reshaped advertising but also significantly impacted web design. Here’s a deep dive into how influencer marketing is transforming web design practices. 

1. Enhanced Focus on Aesthetic Appeal 

Influencer marketing thrives on visual appeal. Influencers often curate highly aesthetic content to engage their followers. This trend has influenced web design by encouraging designers to prioritize visually appealing elements. Websites are now being crafted with a keen eye for high-quality images, cohesive color schemes, and stylish layouts that can capture and hold the attention of visitors, similar to the allure of a well-curated social media feed. 

2. User centric and Responsive Design 

Influencers understand their audience’s preferences and behaviors intimately. This understanding has driven web designers to adopt a more user-centric approach. Influencers primarily operate on social media, where their audiences engage via a variety of devices, particularly mobile phones. Consequently, when these influencers direct traffic to a website, it’s crucial for the site to offer a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions. This ensures that visitors have a consistent and engaging experience regardless of the device they use, which is essential for maintaining the trust and interest cultivated by influencers. A well-executed website design package can enhance mobile accessibility and usability and boost user satisfaction.

3. Incorporation of Authentic Content 

Authenticity is a cornerstone of influencer marketing. Followers trust influencers for their genuine opinions and relatable content. This authenticity is being mirrored in web design through the integration of user-generated content (UGC). Testimonials, reviews, and real-life product photos shared by influencers and customers are increasingly featured on websites, providing social proof and building trust with potential customers. This shift towards authentic content makes websites feel more relatable and credible. 

4. Interactive and Engaging Elements 

Engagement is key in influencer marketing, and this principle is being applied to web design as well. Interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and clickable infographics are being incorporated into websites to increase user engagement. These elements not only make the browsing experience more enjoyable but also encourage users to spend more time on the site, reducing bounce rates and improving overall user experience. 

5. Seamless Social Media Integration 

Given that influencer marketing is predominantly conducted on social media platforms, web designers are prioritizing seamless integration with these platforms. Features like social media buttons, embedded feeds, and easy sharing options are now standard. This integration allows users to effortlessly transition between a brand’s website and its social media profiles, enhancing the overall user experience and fostering a more connected brand presence. 

6. Personalized User Experiences 

Influencers often provide personalized recommendations to their followers, creating a sense of individual attention. Web design is following suit by offering personalized user experiences. Through the use of data analytics and AI, websites can now offer personalized content, product recommendations, and even tailored landing pages based on user behavior and preferences. This personalization not only enhances the user experience but also increases conversion rates. 

7. Storytelling Through Design 

Storytelling is a powerful tool in influencer marketing, and web design is harnessing this power. Designers are now creating narrative-driven websites that guide users through a brand’s story, mission, and values. By using elements such as immersive visuals, compelling copy, and interactive features, websites can engage users on a deeper level, much like how influencers engage their audience through personal stories and experiences.

The impact of influencer marketing on web design is undeniable. Furthermore, the power of influencers on branding enables established businesses to reach and engage their audiences, enhancing the efforts of web design. By focusing on influencer marketing, web designers can create websites that not only look good but also resonate with users and drive meaningful engagement. In this way, the principles of influencer marketing are not just transforming advertising but are also reshaping the very fabric of web design. 


Why Google Analytics Is Important For A Website?


           The new start-ups usually don’t have the idea of google analytics. In this case, Ouriken helps you with the Analytics Solution. Ouriken will let you know its advantages. How to use it? Where to use it? and why you should use it.

 With Google Analytics you can find out the behavior of the average visitor. It is important when you have a website, to analyze your data with Google Analytics. It recreates a major part of optimizing a website. You gain insight into the behavior of the visitor, which you can adjust your website to.


By analyzing well you can find out the following things:

Through which channel the visitor comes?

How long does a visitor spend on a website on average?

The visitor does click through to other pages on the website.

You can see through which channel the conversions are made.

By regularly checking this online tool, you are more likely to increase your conversion on the website. You could already achieve this with a number of relatively simple adjustments.

Measuring Is Knowing!

An often-used term in online marketing is to measure is to know! With Google Analytics you can measure how many conversions have been made per month and where they come from. By drawing up a weekly/monthly report, you can immediately adjust the website so that the performance continues to improve.

More From Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free package that simply helps you improve your website. It is also possible to link your Analytics account with your AdWords account. giving you more insight into the effectiveness of the campaigns and keywords.

It is also possible to create custom reports, you can arrange the reports according to your own wishes so that you can find out everything in a report.

In short, Google Analytics is indispensable when you manage a website.

Tips To Increase Your Sales In E-Commerce

 E-Commerce Your webshop has been up and running for a while and everything is running fine. Yet you have the feeling that you have not got everything out of your webshop. But what can you do to change this? And how can you remove this feeling and maximize the turnover of your webshop? This is a struggle for many entrepreneurs. That is why tips have been bundled below that are guaranteed to improve your turnover in e-commerce!

Request Feedback From Your Customers :

Who better to tell you where your areas for improvement lie than your customers? People who have previously bought your products or used a service, most likely have an opinion about your webshop, service, or product. To find out, you can send a questionnaire to your customers. Set the questionnaire to anonymous, because then you will get the most honest responses. Of course, you can’t do anything with two empty questionnaires, since that is not reliable enough. Therefore, try to send around 500 questionnaires so that you can draw a reliable conclusion.

Show Recommended Products When Making A Purchase :

When a visitor makes a purchase, it is practical to see if you can recommend certain products that might make you sell more. These products must be related to the purchased product and are usually accessories.

Rewrite Your Product And Service Descriptions :

Take a look at your product descriptions. And now again. Are the lyrics attractively written? Is the SEO OK? Are all properties named? Are there no spelling errors? A spelling mistake in the description can quickly ensure that your product or service hardly sells. Imagine yourself as a customer and ask yourself questions a customer would ask: What is the delivery time? What are the shipping costs? With which products can I use the item? Make sure that all answers to possible questions can be found in your product description. You can of course also put a chatbot or a link to the FAQs page with the product.

Add A Timer :

An effective and efficient way to get visitors to buy faster is by adding a timer. For example, add a timer to products that have a temporary discount. This way you create a moment of urgency and pressure on the visitor, which will lead to a faster purchase.

Show USPs That Distinguish Your Webshop From Others :

As a webshop, you have several USPs with which you can distinguish yourself. There is a reasonable chance that a visitor will also look at e-commerce competitors before purchasing. Therefore, research your competitors’ USPs and see if you can distinguish your webshop from the rest. For e-commerce you could use these:

Ordered today, delivered tomorrow 

Choose your delivery time yourself 

Free shipping


Show Customer Reviews On Your Products :

When a visitor is about to buy a product or order a service, he/she usually scrolls past the written reviews of previous customers. This provides the visitor with a certain reassurance and can be decisive to buy a product (or not of course). Always make sure that there is an option to leave a review and that all visitors can see this.

Seasonal Promotions :

You can find a reason to organize an action throughout the year. A promotion ensures that a visitor still takes a look around the webshop for a nice deal. This will generate more revenue for you. For example, consider these types of actions:

Diwali Discount 

Christmas Discount 

Holi Discount

There are of course many more reasons to hold a promotion, so have fun!

Why Website Management Is Important?

Your competitors’ websites are not only beautiful but also offer great functionality and features. These websites are attractive because of the many reasons why they invest in them.
You may notice that your website is not very well designed or thought through. Or that your visitor numbers have been declining for a while. You could fall for one of the pitfalls that web designers try hard to avoid.
It seems that a beautiful and appealing website is no longer possible. Websites are way too dramatic now. A sloppy website can be like stealing money from the front door, as is a well-known saying. Small business owners often choose website development to save money. These small savings can cost you a lot in the long run.
So, now it has become very important to choose the best web developer with a piece of great knowledge. many questions have arisen in your mind where we will get the best developer? How can we reach them?
The Answer to all of your queries is Ouriken.

Ouriken is a platform that helps you with Strategy, Design, and Development. It gives you the best IT solutions and expert ideas, tips, and guidance.

What Is Website Management?

Before we get into the do’s and don’ts of website management, let’s first define what exactly website management is all about.
Website management is the procedure of arranging and preserving a website. Good website management is crucial to your success, whether you are a blogger or a brick-and-mortar business owner.
As Ouriken knows what is the requirement of the website holder. It helps you with all your concerns and delivers you the Best Website Management which will help you to grow your Business.

Why Is It Important?

Website management has many advantages. These are the top reasons to make website management a priority.

  1. Improved website functionality
  2. Better search engine ranking
  3. Better user experience
  4. Improved website security
  5. A better business reputation

These are the Crucial matters which could infrequently be known. As Ouriken is a Technology Company it consists of a greater understanding of it compared to different Web-Developing companies.

Digital Infrastructure: What is it?

The global Digital Business Revolution is increasingly reshaping the traditional role of IT infrastructure. The demands placed on IT are evolving much faster than many expected in the ultra-competitive global economy which provides endless opportunities for disruption and demands continuous innovation.

Your Business Success is now determined by a combination of user experience, more attractive business models, and quick time-to-value with our Infrastructure Management Services. The expectations placed on IT leaders in this dynamic business environment present an opportunity that requires a fundamental change in the role of IT. We are seeing a remarkable remodeling of IT estates to better support the quicker launch of innovative new technologies and push disruptive business models. A focus on enabling business agility and enabling user experience that drives customer engagement and retention is described in Digital Infrastructure.

Business agility is directly related to your ability to respond quickly to the business’ changing needs. Here expectations need to be reframed in the awareness that Tine is the most critical factor in the hyper-competitive world in which we all now work. Infrastructure now needs to focus on designing, developing and delivering new products and services quickly.

The transition was marked by the recent acceleration in cloud services take-up. Although cost savings are often claimed as a key incentive for cloud migration, the reality for many new digital leaders is that the degree of business flexibility needed to deliver the new class of experienced-focused products quickly favors a cloud-native approach heavily. A strong preference for using pre-built cloud-hosted SaaS services dominates decision-making and comes before any new in-house resources are developed. Any new user-focused products that are based on a chosen PaaS framework that offers fast development, distribution, and simpler management while leveraging standardized platform capabilities.

Related Post: How to Accelerate Productivity in Modern IT Infrastructure Management?

Continuous Delivery and DevOps are good examples of automated work processes that concentrate on speed to quality while providing corresponding digital infrastructure that can deliverdeploy and manage services at will. The business requirement for near-instant response brings with it an inevitable move toward Automation as a key theme within Digital Infrastructure. In terms of cost, reliability, and speed, automation brings three key benefits. While the former is taken for granted, it is often overlooked the focus on speed and reliability. These benefits are now coming to the fore in the new Digital landscape that is dominated by customer experience. Agility also drives investment in infrastructure technology and processes that support new capabilities to be delivered quickly.

It is expected that the ability to deliver both Orchestrate and Automate business services through internal and third-party providers will become the core competency and a key role for Digital Infrastructure. Perhaps the most dramatic side effect of the digital business transition is the realization that the function of an IT Service is what the company and IT executives are looking for. Like any other traditional resource, the IT infrastructure has consumption has the same demand and consumption behavior in a digitally transformed market. The new normal is instantly on (and instantly off) without human intervention and rock-solid stability. The digital infrastructure also needs to offer a consumer-grade experience to the company, with quick discovery and click-to-consume services. And like other utility, these services ‘only function’ are flexible just scale quickly to meet demand without any complex processes hindered by human involvement.

Infrastructure Management Services

While your transformed digital infrastructure is more agile and more capable of delivering the capabilities the business demands quickly, it is also useful to consider how this drives new infrastructure features. The emphasis on user experience, in particular, is to expand the technology concept to include much richer, high-value services such as user- experience management; advanced predictive and cognitive analytics now expose all applications operating in this new digital environment to automated intervention, context, and comprehension. While digital infrastructure is expanding to include new capabilities, dominated by end-to-end automation and orchestration themes, we must not lose sight of how these in effect push new behavior in the manner in which we identify, use and maintain infrastructure.

Related Post: What is Business Process Management?

The business user needs the basic consumer-like experience, infinite versatility with instant value delivery. So your Digital Infrastructure’s final core attribute is that it really needs to be software-defined. Dependencies on computing, processing, and networking resources need to be abstracted and replaced by composite structures that can be installed, reconfigured, and broken ‘ at will ‘ to provide a vastly simplified property that is completely integrated with and allows a much more agile business environment.

Ouriken’s Infrastructure Management services include monitoring and tracking tools to effectively manage business-critical applications. We are a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

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Guide To Voice Search Optimization

Until 2011, voice search or voice assistant or even voice search optimization had never been used by people. Once Siri was introduced, it was considered by people as a tool for making them laugh and handling their to-do list.

Not many people predicted that looking for voice would be a big future phenomenon. Not many people predicted that searching for voice would become a major future trend. Yet voice search has grown just like everything else. And it is said that 50% of the searches will be through voice search by 2020.

Google research showed that people are using voice search because of the following advantages:

  1. Users can easily multi-task with voice searches when searching for things.
  2. It gives convenience to people in their daily tasks.
  3. Searching for voice helps people search more easily than any other app.
  4. Users can get the answers and knowledge they are searching for instantly.

Users already use voice assistants to get their routine right, such as setting the alarm, calling their family, making an appointment, feeding their pets, etc. this also presents a huge marketing opportunity for advertisers and owners of small businesses. Since digital problems need digital solutions, small businesses often need help from the professionals, that’s where we come in.

Related Post: How to Keep Your Website Ahead of the Competition

Optimized for searching semantically? Only think about yourself, Lucky!

If you have heard of changes in Google Hummingbird, I’m assuming you’re aware of semantic search. If not, this is going to be the case. Google found that more keyword searches should be introduced than basic queries. They needed talent. It gives rise to comprehension. Rat than simply questions, keyword fragments, Google started to examine the context behind each query. In doing so, Google was able to predict people’s intent to look for online items. This prompted advertisers to turn to the optimization of voice search.

Forget the long list of pointless keywords for your quest that you need to customize. Avoid seeing search queries as words and change your mindset to mindset optimizing voice search.

The optimization of voice search mindset

In ancient times, by imitating others, the cave people used to live. Our ancestors have worked hard and grown like crazy, which is how generation after generation we will live. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or employed in a tedious job, you are going to die of you don’t change. The same applies to your article. You need to get your hands dirty with voice search optimization if you want to deal with the formidable rivals out there.

With that mindset, we need to focus all our efforts on optimizing voice search. Rather than leave things as they are. It’s time to begin delivering content that responds to the customer’s needs. To do this, you first need to get rid of the over-optimized text lingering on your main page that is not going to serve any big purpose now. As the saying goes, the right SEO is a win for all.

Related Post: Why and How to Optimize your Website for Mobile Devices

Transform keywords into requests

Understand that it is quite different for people to type and speak. For example, if someday decides to buy a new tv, they’re going to type “buy television” while they’re going to go like this if they say the same thing. “What’s the best tv?”

Keywords Research. Keyowrds

Are you able to see the difference between the two in Semantic Search? Luckily online tools will help you do this. Response to the public is one such device. A fascinating method takes as an input one root keyword and provides a list of commonly asked keyword questions.

The “People Even Ask” functionality in Google works similarly. Only type in any question, and you’ll get what you’re looking for online.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value.

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101 Guides to Cyber Security

Just as there are common-sense practices that everyone should follow online, particularly companies that store personal information, just like not accepting gifts from strangers. IT service organizations see some new issues emerging with online security, but the same issues also haunt consumers over and over again. There are a few recurring themes when providing assistance to workplace cybersecurity that just doesn’t go away.

And you’ll get the info about Cyber Security 101 Guides here in this article. I hope you’ll enjoy writing up and reading. Post your questions in the comment box below.

This is followed in a nutshell by online security, including what to use and what to avoid. And nearly, everything you need to learn how to set it up so that you appreciate and access the internet for the connectivity it offers. For decades, some things in the IT space have not changed, for good reason. When online, a front-line defense is necessary.

Cyber Security Basics 101: Firewalls & VPNs

If you think that firewall is dull old operating system parts, you’re wrong. The reason that they have become embedded in the IT  lexicon is that they work, they are essential, and they are now more applicable than before. Whether it’s the resident firewall required on an individual PC or a shielded network (Intranet), using a firewall remains a critical component of cybersecurity since the internet is plugged in. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is also mandatory in order to restrict access. As a firewall removes information from your device, this defense is carried offline by a VPN. Any modern business is asking for trouble without a VPNs shield. Hacking and information loss are like car accidents – fascinatingly horrible to read about, but it will never happen to you, right? Alright, note that there are thousands and thousands of people who wake up every day with the sole purpose of illegally making money online. It mostly includes data theft for illegal benefits, ransoming data, or even accessing online banking or other protocols of payment.  You don’t have to take it as personal assault – it isn’t Cybercrooks are opportunistic and you’re the target for today when you turn up on their radar without the basics in place. Do not believe that you are too small to be heard for a moment. Sadly, statistics show that is it indeed small and medium-sized enterprises that suffer the burnt of hacks.

Relates Post: Types of Hackers & current scenario among the types of hackers

 Cyber Security: Threats

In short, there are various forms of digital malice. Business connectivity has become constant since the baseline – which business is not always online? – it’s making you appreciate what’s out there.


We can not expect to be cured of this dimension of cyber life just like a common cold. A virus s malicious software that affects the output of your machine, corrupting the operating system and records. They may be present without being involved, but they are usually a crippling pest again just like the flu virus.


Malware, the terms are often used interchangeably, often indistinguishable from a virus. More commonly, malware may not be corrupt systems and delete data to build your own personal nightmare, but may also contain spyware (such as key-logger apps.)


Ransomware. A step up in cheek and worthy of its own name, ransomware is malware that treats your data as delicately as you would, just to impenetrably lock it up and demand payment for its release! Ransomware attacks are often successful, as the prospect of losing or publicly releasing consumer or other personal data is grim for many businesses. When ransomware is at hand, it is best to call in experts who can assist with cybersecurity, while defining and enacting all possibilities and possible rescues.


A favorite of those launching a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, a bot (or “internet robot”) is a scheduled activity executing an application. They may also take full control of a PC, mostly responsible for removing mail addresses or financial information.


These are still hidden malware fragments that come disguised as legitimate inputs or deals, but then open a door for further operation on a computer or network. They usually steal and keep the door open for further malicious fiddling.


Worms are still around, rigger than ever before. Worms are more proactive than a blunt virus as they are typically able to travel across networks without the need for human activity and are constantly replicating themselves.


Now, sadly, spam has continued, taken over your post box from where junk mail left off. Spam mail is often the preferred way to get any of the above horrors through the firewall, more than just an irritating annoyance. Apart from spambots posting on social media and infiltrating your feeds, spam is also a big phishing tool, whereby a crook may seek to get sensitive details from you under the pretext of some fake need, connection, or enticing deal.


Cyber Safe Being and Staying

It is not difficult to take cyber security101 seriously and provides both comfort and trust when conducting digital affairs that you are secure. Reinforce passwords across all clients as a first step to secure online. Use a password maintainer that produces user and secure passwords ideally. Implement solutions for firewall, VPN and antivirus, all of which should be in operation against the backdrop of a comprehensive backup plan.

Related Post: Do’s and Dont’s of Cyber Safety Measures!

In the Ouriken Cybersafety services area, there are many things to consider and, sadly, even the best solutions will fail unless they are extremely detailed. To ensure that you are legally and fully covered for a safe cyber life, we can help ensure the integrity of your business and the sanctity of your data with online security.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

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How to Keep Your Website Ahead Of the Competition

Marketing a website in 2019 is very challenging. The rivalry is extremely intense, and if you don’t think smart, almost someone else will think smarter than you. Navigating effective website marketing strategies may sound labyrinth as there are plenty of traps to avoid and things you should not do. Whether you are new to creating a successful website or you’ve been doing it for a long time, items you’re missing might still be apparent.

Don’t worry; to help, we’re here. There are many ways to sell and advance the website from the competition, and some of these methods are more obvious than others. Some might give you a thinking break. Here are just a few of the forms we found effective in keeping your website ahead of your competition and becoming a market leader.

Involving others

It may sound strange, but the ratings of your website can really be sponsored by other people. Marketing staff tends to rely on artificial intelligence – algorithms and ratings and machines – a little too much. All this is good, but there is no suggestion that comes from a real person, quite like that. To get the website into a human-edited web directory would be an example of how to do this. Human edited web directories ensure that websites are reviewed and chosen on the basis of engaging insightful content, not only selected by an (admitted advanced) algorithm because they tick boxes. Networking with others will raise your visibility, give you a good reputation in your family, and allow you to differentiate yourself from others.

Related Post: Why and How to Optimize your Website for Mobile Devices?

Investigate the Competitors

If you don’t know who they are, you can’t know if you’re offering better products than your competition. Checking out the peers and how they treat web design and communication is no embarrassment. For your website, market research is essential if you want to remain competitive, as there is a risk that your competitors will all do something that you overlook. Make sure that you follow one and that you can’t go far wrong. Ask yourself what you can repurpose for your site and how can you be the best you can for the visitors and customers once you’ve learned what your competitors are all about.

Create a unique brand

It sounds obvious, isn’t it? “Be different because you are special.” Maybe this doesn’t feel like the world’s freshest insight. But you would be shocked at how many small site owners and content developers just don’t grasp these basic building blocks to make the page stand out. If you are new with your content, simply because you are original and individual, you will attract tourists. It applies not only to the page itself but also to the ancillary material connecting to it – youtube videos, social media updates, the influencers to which you contribute, and so on. Find a niche that is not being filled at the moment and look to fill it. People will begin to consider your product as being made to your rivals from a different cloth, and word-of-mouth advertising is going to work for you.

website designing services

Establish a good presence throughout social media

Modern advertising has been destroyed. Long-long advertising influencer. With your blog, you won’t get anywhere if you don’t set up a presence on social media. This will certainly all of the competitors do. Roughly 2 billion people were using social networking sites and applications back in 2015. Imagine how rapidly this number has risen since then. If you don’t develop your own profile on Twitter and Instagram, you’re just not hitting a large enough audience. If you want to reach a mass audience, Facebook is also relevant. Video content will also need to be created via Youtube. Ask yourself if your brand could benefit from this type of content, and if it’s not, ask yourself if there is no way you might change it a little. Social media is the key to going forward.

Use as much personal content as you can

This should go without saying, but if you want your website to stand out, you have to use as much content as possible that does not appear on their websites. Do not use stock pictures, photos, or sounds (when possible). If you need to use stock media, make sure the stock media is not widely used. Needless to say, DO NOT plagiarize material from other sites, even if the content is somewhat rewarded. You’re going to be found out and the massive hit to your reputation would not be worth it. If you are not comfortable in your ability to build your own brand, then search for talented staff that can support you in this endeavor. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Related Post: 4 Link Building Strategies that will Enhance Your SEO

Achieve Straightforward interaction

You need to know what your brand is about before you build your website. Try the o quick, a short phrase about what you are doing. If you can’t do that, at the planning stage, your idea will be flawed and you will have to start again.

Try to use it as a model for all the text content you make on your page once you have your sentence. Simply and clearly communicate your beliefs and brand to your audience. The more confused the core identity of the brand is, the fewer people can understand what you are trying to do. In particular, it’s definitely a good thing to strive for a simpler and more open website. Imagine being a client. Want to wade through menus and violet prose to figure out what you’re after? Write and it will evolve for your audience.

Ouriken‘s standard web designing services include many features that contain home, blog, images, faq, contact us and many more. It is the best web designing firm. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

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Why and How to Optimize your Website for Mobile Devices?

In these modern times of technology, it is very important for websites to be accessible across a variety of devices. Mobile traffic has been seen a significant, steady, and rapid increase in the coming years and it finally overtook the traditional desktop and laptop computer users in 2015. And changing the algorithm of Google favors mobile-friendly sites. A change in the Google search engine in April 2015, giving priority to those websites that display well on smartphones and other mobile devices, nicknamed, Mobilegeddon has penalized those websites who were not providing an adequate experience for mobile users forcing their website owners to invest more in the mobile upgrades giving a helping hand to app development.

We found a significant drop in traffic for non-mobile-optimized websites while monitoring the websites of some users and customers, while mobile-enabled websites saw a slight increase in incoming traffic which we attributed to a higher search engine ranking.

Create your mobile-friendly website

Non-mobile-optimized try to cram a traditional website into small limits of a mobile device, making the content difficult if not impossible to read and much harder to navigate. On the contrary, mobile-friendly sites adapt to the screen resolution of the device. The text is large enough to read, images adjust to the screen frame size, and navigation buttons are accommodating to a touch.

Related Post: 4 Link Building Strategies that will enhance your SEO

Redesign of a website – Full

The first approach will always be to make a new remake of the website.

website optimization, website redesign, responsive website

Older websites that did not have major changes for 5+ years, full redesign works best for such websites. Coding and Web Designs standards underwent some major changes over the last 5 years and it’s often more efficient to start work from scratch rather than to try an older version of existing code and design. Across both traditional and mobile screens, the new website will benefit from the modern look and accessibility.

Conversion of an existing website into responsive coding

The second approach would be to convert an existing website to responsive coding.

website optimization, website redesign, responsive website

If there is a clear separation between HTML and CSS code the original website was built according to W3C standards. To support responsive design, the website could be converted. Screen elements automatically adjust to the resolution of the device and thus provide an optimal viewing experience in a responsive site. Content-rich websites that do not require excessive user interaction.

Building a Standalone Mobile Website

The third approach would be to leave your traditional website as-is and make a stand-alone mobile website.

website optimization, website redesign, responsive website

Mobile websites can share the same data and CMS (Content Management System) as a desktop website, so both websites can be managed through a single place. The standalone mobile website gives the owner complete unconstrained freedom over the layout of the elements and functionality, so the mobile website may look and feel quite different from its desktop counterpart. For an e-commerce website, this approach works best where the user interaction is very different between stationary and mobile devices.

Related Post: Common Problems in Web Designing and how to avoid it

Converting WordPress website to mobile

Getting a responsive website is quite easy if you’re using WordPress as your content management system. You will need to install a responsive theme, whether it be free or premium. All content immediately becomes mobile-friendly.

We at Ouriken consolidate, optimize and standardize technology/products to bring technology simplification, cost reduction and then to overcome technology obsolescence/skill issues. Ouriken application development & maintenance services help you maintain your business-critical mainframe applications & replace legacy applications. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

Things to Consider for Successful Cloud Migration Testing

If you have been following us, you will know that we discussed the methods which can be used in the cloud migration process itself. But most of the tines it may happen that the process of execution according to us happened correctly and efficiently, whereas, unless we test it thoroughly we cannot just assume that its concrete and it needs constant attention and maintenance to run smoothly. That is why just as we do software testing, we have to do the cloud migration testing. And in this blog, we’re going to address the testing considerations for cloud migration.

A comprehensive testing plan is crucial for the migration’s success, once you have decided to move your business to the cloud. The cloud migration process will help you to ensure that you do not face server breakdown issues, database glitches and other errors that can impede a successful cloud migration.

Focus for Cloud Migration Success

The main focus of cloud migration testing is on the various validations required to ensure its success.

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Functional Testing

The production-readiness of the migrated applications is tested in functional validation. For ts various aspects a detailed analysis is performed and checked for SLA compliance. Perform end-to-end validation of the applications’ functions to ensure the success of your migration

  • Checking if the desired output is generating for a valid and required input.
  • Checking if the service integrations with other applications are complete.
  • Checking if the object references are working as expected.
  • Checking if the cross-platform compatibility is ensured.

Integration Testing

To ensure your applications are integrated seamlessly with third-party applications and that communication between them is happening without and issues is an integral part of migration testing. Strikeout the dependencies between applications, and various SLAs that each application comes with. The migration process tends to become more complicated if you are migrating one or more applications. Just consider these following validations to simplify the process.

  • For integration testing, what interfaces and systems should be covered?
  • For validation and integration testing, what are the resources needed?
  • To develop and execute tests with third-party applications, what plan is in place?
  • How will the identification of coordination problems in the cloud environment?

Many Cloud consulting service providers also provide integration validation as an add-on to their services, which help ensure error-free integration testing.

integration testing, performance testing, security testing, functional testing

Security Testing

In the beginning, the biggest discouragement for organizations to move their operations to the cloud was concern over security. Backed up by several advancements in the field, cloud security now has features that can prevent even sophisticated attacks from gaining access to your data and applications. Consider the following while y perform security validation:

  • Make sure that your cloud network can be accessed only by authorized users.
  • Take preventive measures against common attacks, and ensure that the measures are working properly.
  • Validation of data security is important In rest, in use and during transit.

A few other aspects of security testing include data security, privacy testing, business process security, and application security.

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Performance Testing

Determining the performance and response time of the applications moved to the cloud is important for determining migration success. This step will also help you in optimizing the workload across resources. These are the things you should consider while performing performance validation.

  • Checking if the application architecture is supported by the cloud.
  • As per SLAs, we have to validate response times.
  • Load testing must be performed in parallel to understand how your services perform under various load types.


Cloud migration is often tricky to execute despite having all that help organization can get on paper, cloud migration is often tricky to execute and can result in more problems than benefits if used misleadingly. Hence, it is important and advisable to understand why to bring a team of testing professionals on-board for a successful migration.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our cloud consulting services identify and prioritize cloud applications, optimization, cloud migration which helps your business.


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