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Top 7 Branding Strategies for your Online Business

Top 7 Branding Strategies for your Online Business.

Branding strategies have emerged as pivotal assets for online businesses. Crafting a robust brand presence cultivates customer loyalty, establishes credibility, sets apart from competitors and propels sustained growth. In this blog, we delve into the essential branding strategies that online enterprises can employ to flourish in the digital domain.

  1. Define Your Brand Identity

At the core of any branding strategies lies a well-defined and compelling brand identity. This encompasses elements such as your brand’s mission, values, voice, personality, and visual identity, including logos, colors, and typography. Articulating what your brand represents and how you aim to be perceived by your target audience is crucial in creating a consistent and memorable brand image.

  1. Understand Your Target Audience

Successful branding strategy hinges on a deep understanding of your target audience. Conduct thorough market research to discern your audience’s demographics, preferences, pain points, and behavioral patterns. This knowledge empowers you to tailor your branding efforts effectively, resonating with your audience and fostering stronger connections that lead to increased brand loyalty.

  1. Develop a Compelling Brand Narrative

Storytelling is a potent tool in branding that can captivate and engage audiences on an emotional level. Craft a compelling brand narrative that communicates your journey, values, and the unique value proposition of your products or services. Deploy storytelling across your website, social media platforms, and marketing campaigns to humanize your brand and forge meaningful connections with customers.

  1. Maintain Consistency Across Channels

Consistency is paramount in building brand recognition and trust. Ensure that your branding elements, such as logos, colors, messaging, and tone of voice, remain consistent across all digital touchpoints, including your website, social media profiles, email marketing, and advertising endeavors. Consistent branding strategies reinforce your brand’s identity in the minds of consumers.

  1. Harness the Power of Content Marketing

Content marketing is a cornerstone of brand building for online businesses. Create valuable and relevant content that educates, entertains, or inspires your audience. Blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and social media content are potent tools for showcasing your expertise, addressing customer pain points, and reinforcing your brand’s authority and credibility within your niche.

  1. Prioritize User Experience (UX)

A seamless and user-friendly website and mobile experience are fundamental to a robust brand presence online. Invest in intuitive navigation, responsive design, fast loading times, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to enhance the overall user experience. A positive UX not only delights customers but also contributes to higher conversion rates and encourages repeat business.

  1. Engage Authentically with Your Audience

Building a community around your brand is vital for fostering engagement and loyalty. Actively engage with your audience on social media platforms, respond to customer inquiries and feedback promptly, run interactive campaigns and contests, and encourage user-generated content. Authentic interactions humanize your brand and build trust among your customers.

  1. Monitor, Analyze, and Adapt

Branding is an iterative process that necessitates continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptation. Utilize analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as brand awareness, engagement metrics, customer sentiment, and conversion rates. Leverage these insights to refine your branding strategies, identify areas for improvement, and remain agile in response to market dynamics and consumer feedback.

Effective branding strategies are indispensable for online businesses seeking to thrive in today’s competitive digital landscape. With these 7 branding strategies for your online business, you can cultivate a powerful brand that resonates with customers and drives sustainable growth over time.

Landing Page Optimization For Lower Bounce Rate

When it comes to driving traffic to your website, one of the most important factors to consider is the bounce rate. A high bounce rate indicates that visitors are leaving your site, which can damage your online success. However, by implementing effective landing page optimization techniques, you can significantly reduce your bounce rate and increase user engagement. Here are some strategies to consider.

Clear and engaging headlines:

An engaging headline is essential to grab visitors’ attention and encourage them to stay on your landing page. Make sure your headline is short, resonates with the visitor, and conveys the value of your product or service.

Design and navigation:

Chaotic or confusing planning can drive tourists away. Optimize your landing page with a clean, easy-to-navigate layout. Use visual cues such as directional arrows or gunshots to direct users to your call.

Short and persuasive writing:

Keep your image short and focus on the value of what you have to offer. Use persuasive language to communicate the benefits visitors will receive from the event. Break up text with subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to improve readability.

Clear call to action:

Your call to action (CTA) should be clear, conspicuous, and visually appealing. Use action-oriented language and consider adding urgency to encourage visitors to take immediate action. Experiment with different variations of your CTA button to find the most effective layout.

Mobile-friendly optimization:

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s important to optimize your landing page for mobile users. Make sure your page loads fast, is easy to read and has a layout that works well with a variety of screen sizes.

A/B testing:

Test various elements of your landing page through A/B testing, such as headlines, colors, images, and CTAs. This will help you identify the most effective combinations that lead to lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates.

Page load speed:

Slow-loading pages can frustrate visitors and increase bounce rates. Optimize your landing page by reducing the image size, using browser storage, and choosing a reliable hosting provider to ensure fast delivery times.

By using these landing page optimization techniques you can create an engaging and user-friendly experience for your visitors, encouraging them to stay longer and take preferred actions Monitor and analyze your landing page performance constantly identifying areas for improvement and continuous improvement for better results.

A/B Testing And Bounce Rate: Experimenting For Improved Engagement

In a digital landscape where user engagement is a key success factor, companies seek to optimize their websites and apps to increase user engagement and satisfaction One important tool will achieve this goal withIn a digital landscape where user engagement is a key success factor, companies seek to optimize their websites and apps to increase user engagement and satisfaction One important tool it will achieve this goal with A/B testing, a method of testing that allows companies to deploy two or more versions of a web page or app What works best in terms of interaction and conversion rates. When it comes to improving engagement, one of the most important metrics to consider is bounce rate.

Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who bounce off a website or app after viewing just one page. This is an important metric for measuring users, as a high bounce rate indicates that visitors are not getting the content or experience they expected, leading to dissatisfaction and abandonment while a low bounce rate indicates that visitors surf the Web site or app and explore its contents in more detail.

A/B testing gives businesses a data-driven approach to reduce bounce rates and improve engagement. By creating two or more versions of a web page or app and randomly assigning users to each version, businesses can compare user behaviors and metrics to determine the most effective changes in bounce rates reduces and encourages user engagement -Make changes to function buttons, or add any new features that may affect the user experience.

To conduct A/B testing focused on reducing bounce rates, companies first need to identify key factors that can contribute to increased bounce rates. This could be slow page load times, confusing navigation, irrelevant information, or a clear call to action. Once these factors are identified, companies can develop versions of their Web site or app that address these issues and test them against the original version.

Collecting and analyzing user behavior data during A/B testing is important, such as bounce rates, time spent on a page, click-through rates, and conversion rates, and by comparing these metrics over various conversions, companies can gain insights into which conversions reduce bounce rates and improve engagement effectively more effectively. In order to be statistically significant, it is necessary to gather sufficient data to make informed decisions based on the results.

Depending on the results of A/B testing, businesses can use successful changes as the default version of their website or app. However, optimization is an ongoing process, and it’s important to keep testing and iterating to increase users again. A/B testing should be viewed as an ongoing exercise rather than a one-time effort, as user preferences and behaviors can change over time.

In addition to A/B testing, businesses can also use other techniques to support their efforts in reducing bounce rates and improving engagement. These strategies include improving the website or app functionality, increasing context and quality, personalizing the user experience, and ensuring mobile works.

In conclusion, A/B testing is a powerful tool for businesses to test various versions of their websites or apps and reduce bounce rates to improve users By analyzing user behavior and metrics with it, companies can gain insight into what matches their audience and data optimize their online presence -Be able to make driven decisions Combined with other optimization techniques, a successful A/B testing process can provide an experience more engaging user experience, increased conversion, and ultimately business success in the digital realm.

CTA Buttons in Social Media: Engaging Your Audience

In the fast-paced world of social media, capturing and engaging your audience is essential to success. One powerful tool that can dramatically improve user interaction and drive desired actions is the Call to Action (CTA) button. A well-designed CTA button can effectively guide your audience to take a desired action, whether it’s a purchase, a newsletter subscription, or simply adding your content. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of action vehicle buttons on social media and how to make them more appealing to your audience.

Clear and concise messaging:

When it comes to CTA buttons, clarity is key. Create a concise and persuasive message that clearly outlines the action you want your audience to take. Use action-oriented verbs that create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate responses.

Location and Visibility:

The placement of your CTA button plays an important role in its effectiveness. It should be prominently placed on your social media profiles, posts, and landing pages, where it is easily visible to your audience and accessible to your audience. Consider using contrasting colors to make the button stand out and grab the user’s attention.

Personalization and Relevance:

Personalize your CTA button to your audience’s specific goals and interests. Use language and design elements that match them. Personalization can dramatically increase engagement and conversion rates by making the user feel like the call to action is aimed specifically at them.

Add urgency:

Create a sense of urgency that will motivate your audience to respond immediately. Use terms like “limited time offer” or “access” to convey the concept of scarcity and FOMO (fear of missing out). Urgency can increase click-through rates and conversions.

Provide prompts:

People love prompts, and adding them to your CTA button can be a game-changer. Offer special discounts, freebies, or bonus content to get your audience to click and engage. The perceived usefulness of the incentive must be high enough to capture their interest.

A/B testing and optimization:

Testing is important in social media marketing. Conduct A/B tests to determine which variations of your CTA button work best. Experiment with colors, text, placement, and even button sizes to find the combination that creates the highest level of interaction and flexibility. Continue to optimize your CTAs based on the data and information you receive.

Mobile-friendly design:

With the increased use of mobile devices, it’s important to make sure your CTA buttons are mobile-friendly. It’s easy to tap and appear on a small screen. Customize your button sizes, fonts, and spacing for a seamless experience on all devices.

Social proofs and testimonials:

Include social proof elements, such as customer testimonials, reviews, or user-generated content, alongside your CTA button. Positive feedback from satisfied customers can build trust and confidence, increasing the chances of conversion.

Catchy images:

Use eye-catching and appealing images or logos to make your CTA button more appealing. Visuals can grab attention and make your buttons more memorable, increasing the chances of user interaction.

Analyze and iterate:

Use social media analytics tools to regularly analyze the activity of your CTA buttons. Look at click-through rates, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics. Based on the data, make the necessary adjustments to optimize your CTAs and improve audience engagement.

In conclusion, buttons are powerful tools to engage and call out your audience on social media. By using clear messaging, strategic placement, personalization, urgency, prompts, and optimization techniques, you can create compelling CTAs that engage the user and increases conversion rates. Remember to constantly analyze and iterate based on data to refine your approach and keep up with your audience to meet changing needs and preferences. With the right call-to-action buttons, you can better direct your audience to desired actions and achieve your social media marketing goals.

The Right SEO Plugin for Your Website

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, the right tools are crucial. An SEO plugin can make a huge difference in improving your website’s visibility and attracting organic traffic. However, with so many options available, choosing the right SEO plugin can be difficult. In this article, we will walk you through the process of choosing the right SEO plugin for your website.

Know your needs:

Before diving into the sea of ​​SEO plugins, determine your specific needs. Consider the factors that are important to optimizing your website. Do you need keyword analysis tools, XML sitemap generation, or social media integration? Understanding your needs will help you narrow down your options and find a plugin that meets your goals.

Research and compare:

Once you know your needs, start researching different SEO plugins. Read reviews, check ratings, and compare features of different plugins. Look for plugins with a good reputation, good user feedback, and frequent updates. Popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, and Rank Math are worth considering for their extensive features and reliability.


Make sure the SEO plugin you are considering is compatible with your website’s platform such as WordPress, Shopify, or Joomla. Some plugins are specifically designed for certain platforms, so make sure the plugin you choose is compatible with your website’s CMS (Content Management System). Additionally, make sure the plugin is compatible with other tools or plugins you already use to avoid any conflicts or compatibility issues.

Ease of use:

User-friendliness is important when choosing an SEO plugin. Look for plugins with intuitive interfaces and simple layouts. The plugin should provide clear and easy-to-follow instructions. The user-friendly interface will save you time and effort in managing your website’s SEO tasks.

Features and Services:

Consider the features and services offered by each SEO plugin. Explore essential features such as XML sitemap generation, meta tags optimization, keyword analysis, and content analysis. The plugin should provide suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the SEO of your website. Additionally, consider whether the plugin supports integration with other tools or services you may need, such as Google Analytics or social media platforms.

Support and updates:

Make sure the SEO plugin you choose has a reliable support system. Look for plugins with active communities, forums, or dedicated support channels. It’s also important to update the plugin regularly to ensure it keeps up with the latest web technologies and search engine algorithms. A plugin with a proven track record of consistent updates and responsive support will typically deliver a smoother experience.


While many SEO plugins offer free versions, they often come with restrictions on features or require a high level of updates to be fully functional. Consider your budget and consider plugin pricing plans. Compare the features offered in the free and premium versions, and decide if the additional features in the premium version are worth the investment.


Finally, consider the feedback and experiences of other users. Read reviews, testimonials, and case studies to understand how well a particular SEO plugin has worked for others. Weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision.

In conclusion, choosing the right SEO plugin for your website is an important step to optimizing your online presence. By identifying your needs, comparing analytics and plugins, checking for compatibility, reviewing ease of use and features, support and updates, reviewing pricing, and collecting user feedback, you can make informed decisions. Remember that the best SEO plugin is for you It will be based on the unique needs of the website, so take your time, experiment, and choose wisely for your website’s no search engine rankings to increase and attract more organic traffic.

Encourage Online Business Reviews in 2020

Sometimes someone has sensitive skin and if they add anything to it which the skin doesn’t approve of, it goes haywire. To preserve their healthy skin, they sometimes buy a moisturizing cream on their friend’s recommendation. The product turns out to be good and they’re happy with it. Now, the reason they bought the product because they trust their friend and they gave a positive review of the product.

Do you know that before purchasing anything online say it’s a product or service, 92% of potential customers read reviews online?

So, if you have a new eCommerce shop, a few good reviews will influence the customer’s buying decision. To boost your sales, you’ll need to focus on winning customer confidence. There are a lot of ways to motivate clients to leave a constructive rating. But if you plan on increasing your company rapidly, it’s easier to create such great experience that customers flock back to your website to leave a positive review.

Below are the five ideas which will help your brand affect your marketing strategies for consumers.

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Widgets for Online Reviews

On a good day, you’ll see about 206 million search results if you google, ‘Internet Review Widgets.’ Many of those WordPress-based widgets are designed to work with WordPress websites.

This WordPress widgets are fast, easy to install, providing superior user experience, and enabling you to incorporate Facebook, Google reviews into your website. When you allow customers to leave their feedback in one spot, on the website, you can build a sense of openness. When real consumers leave a comment, guests will be allowed to highlight these reviews.

If the customer leaves a review on Yelp, Google or Rize, it will help you to get people to respond positively.

Collaboration with Local Bloggers

The best way to create traffic on your website is through local bloggers to get positive feedback. Send a free sample to those bloggers and ask them to leave a comment on the web. Each review is, of course, critical, but a single influencer review will have a huge impact on your future clients.

You can use resources like Right Relevance or GroupHigh to start your quest for a local blogger and pinpoint influencers who might be interested in your products and services. You need to start a discussion with some of the influencers before they take any interest in your company. Once a partnership is formed it will be easy to ask them for a review of the product. Much like anything else, there is a downside to this too. You can post the analysis on your website, or even on your social media account. Therefore, if there is only a single unsatisfied review, recovering from the negative feedback gained from the analysis would take ages.

The idea here is to keep improving the product/service so that it may be covered up by other feedback even if you get a bad review. Finally, hold an overview of the primary company group. For example, if the audience is 45, don’t send a blogger that’s 23 years old to reflect your product.

Ads in Social Media (PPC)

Social media is a strong medium where consumers can get honest feedback.

Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook provide a large amount of data about purchasing psychology from consumers. The consumers are already in groups, on pages where they are searching for items that can solve their needs.

If you take advantage of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, the future audience of your customers would be easy for your products to enter. You should add pixels of social monitoring on your website, so you get a better picture of your target market

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Win & Check-in

Apps such as Wikets, Foursquare, and iPoints grant points to consumers who can then turn to points and earn discounts. In your mobile app/website, you can add a check-in feature where the user can get rewards, points, and even personalized discounts when they check in your shop. You can also add an option to leave a review and get coupons you can then take advantage of in the following order.

Please inquire!

In the end, keeping life easy and asking the customers for feedback is good.

Just like Google Maps, which sends push notifications when people visit a given place. Newer customers will also be asked to leave a comment on your website. Make the feedback system intuitive to help promote the feedback process. They’re usually more than willing to share suggestions when it comes to returning customers without feeling awkward.

Don’t forget to help your friends and family running a company. If your grandpa leaves a review and shares how proud he is for you it may sound a little cheesy. But this might start with strong steam of reviews from your family and your closest fans.


Don’t push consumers to leave your mark with a critique. Make the website experience so enriching they come back to give your brand a positive review. Do not tell the customer how special you are, show them with your service and your merchandise.

SEO Strategies to achieve a better result in 2020

It’s almost the start of the New Year, and most marketers are preparing themselves to revamp their marketing strategy. Modern marketing is very dynamic and constantly evolving. Keeping an eye on changes and optimizing your campaign accordingly is critical. For 2020, tactics that succeeded in 2019 may not deliver the best results. I write about the most significant SEO strategies in 2020 that will deliver better results. Read the post and share your knowledge, views, and thoughts in the comment box below. If you have any concerns about SEO strategies for better results in 2020 and beyond, then continue to ask.

Make a thorough audit before implementing any changes on your website. It helps you to see the website’s positive and poor aspects. The more data you have, the better will be your website. In this post, we address four advanced techniques that, if well applied, will bring you great results in 2020.

Here are the SEO tactics one needs to follow

Optimize the structure and navigation of the website

Nobody profits from difficult and messy website navigation. Such sites are hard to manage and can get out of control in a jiffy. These websites are also hard to navigate and can cause visitors to a lot of trouble. Websites users want the most efficient way to get from point A to point B. They’re not going to bother to waste time browsing through multiple menus to find out what they need. Here are some things to remember when it comes to navigating the website.

  • Make sure you are at the forefront of your most important menus.
  • Keep all menus above the fold and just below the logo of the brand.
  • Follow the framework of the standard website design.
  • Optimize the URL so that it can be read and include keywords in it.
  • Enable bread-crumbs search as it helps users to move quickly between pages.
  • Make sure you have a search bar at the top of your page.

These are just some of the many ways your website navigation can be optimized. You can use crawlers on the website to see how easy it is to navigate the site. This will help you optimize yourself.

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Concentrate on User Experience

Google respects, above all other rating indicators, three variables. Those are information, connections, and interactions with the user. RankBrain, a Machine Learning Ai, is used by the search engine to evaluate what kind of user experience the website provides. The AI takes notes of variables such as Click Traffic, Dwell Times, Bounce Tariffs, etc. to understand how satisfied the website users are.

To ensure that users have a good time with it, you need to customize your website. It includes improving the design, branding, content, CTA, and overall performance of the website. Let’s look  at some ways to improve the experience of the users:

  • Keep a clean, clutter-free GUI (graphical user interface). Do not add to the page too many intrusive advertisements and pop-ups.
  • Enable enough space for people to easily scroll through the content. Make sure that people have less room o accidentally click on links.
  • Divide the material into small pieces that are digestible. Include shorter sentences, short paragraphs, and bullet points.
  • Uses pictures to provide details about visuals.
  • Perform A/B or multivariate testing to ensure a great response to your website.

It is also a good idea to explore the website from the user’s perspective on multiple platforms. This will give you a clear idea of how the platform functions and where it needs to be improved.

App Optimization

If you’ve been in the SEO industry or done some form of digital marketing in the past year, you’re probably already familiar with the Mobile-First Index. This is an indexing tool that rates websites higher than those that don’t work well on mobile phones.

App optimization, SEO tactics for 2020

Currently, this only applies to websites with both mobile and desktop versions. Yet Google could not make it down the line standard. The following tips can help you significantly improve your mobile performance.

  • Use a website design that is responsive. Without compromising quality or performance, this system can easily adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Verify that your website is loading within 3 seconds. Most people expect loading websites at that time, and if it takes longer, around 40% are likely to leave a mobile website.
  • Optimize your images to ensure that mobile screens are well loaded and displayed.
  • To ensure that website performance is consistent on all platforms, choose a good quality hosting service.

If your mobile quality isn’t good, you’re going to lose out on a lot of people. Mobile is becoming one of the main channels and will eventually overtake the desktop.

Related Post: Guide to Voice Search Optimization

Develop and optimize material

Content is one of the most significant factors in the ranking. If your content is good, you’re going to provide better user experience, gain a good reputation, and establish authority. All you need to do is ensure that your content is not 2020 standards. Here’s an overview of what you need to remember:

  • Make sure the content has a total of over 2,000 characters. The short-term content of fewer than 1,000 words on the SERPs is not high and does not gain many social shares.
  • Use as much as you can from original research. Invest more in content quality than in content quality.
  • Focus on a topic of the cluster rather than keywords. It helps you to refine the purpose of scan for users. Build content relevant to subjects that will be part of the user search session.
  • Include as many internal connections as possible to distribute the reference juice. Make sure the material is reliable and well-written. It’s also a good idea to get people involved in your post’s comment section. Answer your question, clarify, and maintain the connection between reader and creator.

digital marketing, seo tactics 2020, digital solutions


These advanced techniques will help you reach new heights with your SEO in 2020. Once you have a good campaign for SEO, make sure that you also have a good system for data analysis. SEO is not a fixed method that, when applied, you should forget about it. The world continues to change, and keeping an eye on the changes makes sense. The data collected can be used before they can do too much harm to refine future campaigns and correct errors.

Ouriken’s digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. 

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Guide To Voice Search Optimization

Until 2011, voice search or voice assistant or even voice search optimization had never been used by people. Once Siri was introduced, it was considered by people as a tool for making them laugh and handling their to-do list.

Not many people predicted that looking for voice would be a big future phenomenon. Not many people predicted that searching for voice would become a major future trend. Yet voice search has grown just like everything else. And it is said that 50% of the searches will be through voice search by 2020.

Google research showed that people are using voice search because of the following advantages:

  1. Users can easily multi-task with voice searches when searching for things.
  2. It gives convenience to people in their daily tasks.
  3. Searching for voice helps people search more easily than any other app.
  4. Users can get the answers and knowledge they are searching for instantly.

Users already use voice assistants to get their routine right, such as setting the alarm, calling their family, making an appointment, feeding their pets, etc. this also presents a huge marketing opportunity for advertisers and owners of small businesses. Since digital problems need digital solutions, small businesses often need help from the professionals, that’s where we come in.

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Optimized for searching semantically? Only think about yourself, Lucky!

If you have heard of changes in Google Hummingbird, I’m assuming you’re aware of semantic search. If not, this is going to be the case. Google found that more keyword searches should be introduced than basic queries. They needed talent. It gives rise to comprehension. Rat than simply questions, keyword fragments, Google started to examine the context behind each query. In doing so, Google was able to predict people’s intent to look for online items. This prompted advertisers to turn to the optimization of voice search.

Forget the long list of pointless keywords for your quest that you need to customize. Avoid seeing search queries as words and change your mindset to mindset optimizing voice search.

The optimization of voice search mindset

In ancient times, by imitating others, the cave people used to live. Our ancestors have worked hard and grown like crazy, which is how generation after generation we will live. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or employed in a tedious job, you are going to die of you don’t change. The same applies to your article. You need to get your hands dirty with voice search optimization if you want to deal with the formidable rivals out there.

With that mindset, we need to focus all our efforts on optimizing voice search. Rather than leave things as they are. It’s time to begin delivering content that responds to the customer’s needs. To do this, you first need to get rid of the over-optimized text lingering on your main page that is not going to serve any big purpose now. As the saying goes, the right SEO is a win for all.

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Transform keywords into requests

Understand that it is quite different for people to type and speak. For example, if someday decides to buy a new tv, they’re going to type “buy television” while they’re going to go like this if they say the same thing. “What’s the best tv?”

Keywords Research. Keyowrds

Are you able to see the difference between the two in Semantic Search? Luckily online tools will help you do this. Response to the public is one such device. A fascinating method takes as an input one root keyword and provides a list of commonly asked keyword questions.

The “People Even Ask” functionality in Google works similarly. Only type in any question, and you’ll get what you’re looking for online.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value.

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3 Digital Marketing Strategies to Reach Local Consumers

Local Consumers need to be attracted by Local Businesses. Reaching the right consumer at the right time seems like an easy job to do, but it can have many challenges, especially when consumer searching behavior shifts towards journeys. It means consumers may search the same phrase over and over for a month or so, but the expectation of search results varies as they progress in their buying journey. This concretizes the fact that consumer wants personalized results, and if the results are located near to them, then the consumer will be happier. As a matter of fact, reports of Google states that “near me” mobile searches have increased over 500% in the last few years.

What’s in it for local businesses? We need to reach the consumers where they spend a lot of their time, which is mobile devices. And it will be even better than your competitors at doing so.

There will be a need for the right tools and technology in order to make this happen. Thankfully, companies are adapting technological advancements and it makes it easier for local businesses to get their hands on these digital marketing tools and use them to reach nearby consumers. Let’s look at the three ways

Location Extensions for PPC Ads

We are able to show ads with more information about your business location with the help of Location Extensions. It allows searches to see click-to-call and direction links with the proximity to our businesses.

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We can take advantage of location extensions to drive searchers to take action directly from your ad, driving calls, foot traffic, and leads to your businesses. Most of the Digital Marketing Solution Providers focus on the PPC Ads with location targetting to achieve most out of the campaign. 

In-App Ads and Deliver Real-Time offers

Many digital marketers confuse themselves when they see the report that consumers are not using mobile phones they think they’re on desktop, but in reality, most of the consumers spend time on mobile apps. Research shows that 90% of smartphone time is spent on apps. So the question arises, how to reach that local consumer base, well the answer is in-app advertisements, like geofencing, display relevant advertisements to consumers when they are using their favorite applications near your business. In realtime consumers see these ads who are in near proximity to our business, display the ad with a compelling message, like an offer or a coupon, which will eventually drive traffic and sales the business would have not gotten otherwise.

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Optimized Google My Business Listing

To local consumers, advertising is not the only way to promote our business. One of the most downloaded and used the app from Google is – Google Maps, so it’s important to make sure your business is visible in it, with a requirement of all your information being correct and the link you have provided in the listing, links back to your website. Not only having a claimed Google My Business Listing that’s consistent with your website is an important factor in the site’s SEO, but it will also help your listing get found in local map searches on both web and mobile.

optimized google my business listing

Make Nearby Consumers happy and drive Conversions and Conclusion

All these mobile marketing techniques emphasize the need to have a mobile-optimized website also responsive website for your business that is appealing to nearby consumers who find you on a mobile device. Ensure that your website is built to capture leads from all your digital marketing and advertising strategies but also looks great and works well on mobile. Featuring a call-to-action button and an email submission form on your website or landing page which means you can get more than just clicks from your marketing.

web push notification, pushpushio

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value.