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Cloud Strategies for Enhanced Customer Experience

Cloud Strategies for Enhanced Customer Experience

Providing exceptional customer experience is paramount for businesses looking to thrive in a competitive landscape. Cloud computing has emerged as a game-changer, enabling organizations to revolutionize the way they engage with customers. In this blog, we’ll explore how cloud strategies can be leveraged to elevate customer experience. We will look into how cloud strategies can deliver value-added services and drive business success.

Cloud computing

Scalability and Flexibility: One of the key advantages of cloud computing is its ability to scale resources on-demand. Cloud-based solutions allow businesses to dynamically adjust their infrastructure and applications. This is based on fluctuating customer demands, ensuring optimal performance and reliability during peak times. The scalability and flexibility of the cloud computing strategies empower businesses to deliver seamless customer experience without disruptions. Thus handling sudden spikes in website traffic or scaling up customer support services becomes easy.

Data Analytics and Insights: Cloud-based analytics platforms offer powerful tools for extracting valuable insights from customer data. By leveraging advanced analytics capabilities, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach enables organizations to personalize marketing campaigns, tailor product recommendations, and anticipate customer needs, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. Additionally, cloud-based analytics solutions facilitate real-time monitoring and analysis, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics and customer expectations.

Omni-channel Engagement: Cloud strategies enable businesses to create cohesive omni-channel experiences by integrating various communication channels such as websites, mobile apps, social media, email, and live chat. By centralizing customer interactions on a cloud-based platform, businesses can provide consistent and seamless customer experience across channels, regardless of the device or touch-point used by the customer. Further, this omni-channel approach enhances convenience, accessibility, and continuity, fostering stronger connections with customers and driving engagement and loyalty.

Cloud strategies

AI-Powered Customer Service: Cloud-based AI solutions are transforming customer service by automating routine tasks, analyzing customer inquiries, and providing personalized assistance round-the-clock. Chat-bots powered by natural language processing (NLP) can handle common customer queries, offer product recommendations, and guide users through the purchasing process in real-time. Additionally, AI-driven sentiment analysis enables businesses to gauge customer satisfaction and identify potential issues proactively, allowing for timely interventions and resolution. By harnessing the power of AI in the cloud, businesses can deliver efficient, personalized, and responsive customer experience.

Secure and Compliant Operations: Cloud service providers adhere to stringent security standards and compliance regulations, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data. By leveraging cloud-based security solutions, businesses can mitigate cyber-security risks, protect sensitive information, and maintain regulatory compliance. Advanced encryption techniques, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring mechanisms safeguard against unauthorized access and data breaches, instilling trust and confidence in customers. Moreover, cloud-based disaster recovery and backup solutions ensure business continuity and resilience, minimizing downtime and disruptions to customer services.

Cloud computing offers a myriad of opportunities for businesses to elevate customer experience and drive competitive advantage. By embracing cloud strategies organizations can deliver seamless, personalized, and secure experiences that delight customers and foster long-term loyalty. As businesses continue to navigate the digital landscape, leveraging cloud strategies will be essential for staying ahead of the curve. Cloud strategies are thus essential in today’s world for delivering value-added services that exceed customer expectations. 

Importance Of Visual Hierarchy In E-Commerce Website Design

In the world of e-commerce, designing an effective website is crucial for success. With so many competing websites vying for consumer attention, it is essential to create a website that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. One of the most important elements of website design is a visual hierarchy, which plays a key role in helping users understand the website’s content and navigate it efficiently.

Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of visual elements in a way that guides the viewer’s eye through the design. It involves creating a clear and intuitive order of importance, using design principles such as size, color, contrast, proximity, and alignment. Visual hierarchy is critical in e-commerce website design, as it helps users quickly and easily find the information they need, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

One of the primary ways that visual hierarchy is used in e-commerce website design is through the use of typography. Typography refers to the use of different fonts, sizes, and styles to create a hierarchy of information. For example, the website’s name or logo is often displayed prominently in a large font at the top of the page. This makes it easy for users to identify the website and understand its purpose.

Similarly, product titles and descriptions are often displayed in a larger font size than other text on the page. This draws attention to the product and helps users quickly understand what it is and what it does. Product prices are also typically displayed in a larger font size, making it easy for users to see the cost of the item and compare it to other products on the site.

Another way that visual hierarchy is used in e-commerce website design is through the use of color. Color can be used to create a hierarchy of importance, with brighter and more vibrant colors drawing attention to important information. For example, a call-to-action button such as “Add to Cart” may be displayed in a bright and contrasting color, making it stand out from the rest of the page.

Images and other visual elements also play a critical role in creating a visual hierarchy in e-commerce website design. Product images are often displayed prominently on the page, with larger images indicating a higher level of importance. Images can also be used to create a sense of flow and guide the viewer’s eye through the design. For example, images of related products may be placed next to each other, creating a visual pathway for users to follow.

Navigation is another essential element of e-commerce website design, and visual hierarchy plays a critical role in making navigation easy and intuitive. Navigation menus should be easy to find and use, with clear labels that help users understand what each section of the site is for. Navigation buttons may be displayed in a contrasting color or placed in a prominent location on the page, making it easy for users to find and use them.

One of the benefits of using visual hierarchy in e-commerce website design is that it can help reduce cognitive load on the user. Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort required to complete a task. When a website is well-designed and uses visual hierarchy effectively, users can quickly and easily find the information they need without having to spend a lot of mental energy navigating the site. This can lead to a better user experience and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Another benefit of using visual hierarchy in e-commerce website design is that it can help increase conversions. By guiding users through the design and highlighting important information, visual hierarchy can make it easier for users to make informed purchasing decisions. This can help increase the likelihood of a successful sale and improve overall revenue for the website.


visual hierarchy is a critical element of e-commerce website design. By using typography, color, images, and navigation to create a clear and intuitive order of importance, designers can make it easy for users to find the information they need and navigate the site efficiently. This can lead to a better user experience, reduce cognitive load, and increase conversions, ultimately improving the success of the website. Here are some additional points to consider when designing an e-commerce website with an effective visual hierarchy:

Keep it simple: While it may be tempting to use lots of different fonts, colors, and images to make the site stand out, it’s important to remember that simplicity is often more effective. Stick to a limited color palette and font selection, and use imagery sparingly to avoid overwhelming the user.

Use contrast effectively: Contrast is a powerful tool in the visual hierarchy, as it can be used to draw attention to important information. Make sure that the most important information on the site stands out by using contrasting colors or larger font sizes.

Test and iterate: No website design is perfect on the first try. It’s important to test different designs and layouts, gather user feedback, and iterate based on what works best for the target audience. A/B testing can be particularly useful in determining the most effective visual hierarchy for the site.

Keep the user in mind: Ultimately, the goal of e-commerce website design is to create a website that is easy and intuitive for users to navigate. Keep the user’s needs and preferences in mind throughout the design process, and use visual hierarchy to guide them through the site in a way that makes sense.

By following these tips and incorporating effective visual hierarchy into the design of an e-commerce website, designers can create a site that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and ultimately leads to a better user experience and increased conversions.

The Impact Of Logo Design On Brand Recognition And Customer Loyalty


A logo is a critical component of a brand’s identity. It is the visual representation of a company or product, and it is the face of the brand. A well-designed logo can significantly impact a company’s brand recognition and customer loyalty. In this article, we will explore the impact of logo design on brand recognition and customer loyalty.

The Importance of a Logo:

A logo is the visual representation of a company, and it is the first thing people see when they interact with a brand. It is the foundation upon which a brand is built, and it is essential to the success of a brand. A well-designed logo can be used on products, packaging, and marketing materials, making it easy for customers to recognize a brand.

Brand Recognition:

Brand recognition is the extent to which customers can identify a brand from its logo or other visual elements. It is crucial for a brand to be easily recognizable, as it increases the likelihood of customers choosing that brand over its competitors. A logo that is simple, memorable, and visually appealing can significantly impact brand recognition.

A well-designed logo can communicate a brand’s values, personality, and vision, which can help to differentiate it from its competitors. For example, the Nike “swoosh” logo is simple, and memorable, and communicates the brand’s values of athleticism and determination. It is instantly recognizable, and it has become synonymous with the brand.

Customer Loyalty:

Customer loyalty is the extent to which customers are loyal to a brand and its products. It is crucial for a brand to build strong customer loyalty, as loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others. A well-designed logo can help to build customer loyalty by creating an emotional connection with customers.

A logo that is visually appealing and represents a brand’s values can help to create a sense of trust and loyalty with customers. For example, the Coca-Cola logo is classic, and timeless, and represents the brand’s values of happiness and togetherness. It has become synonymous with the brand, and it is a significant factor in building customer loyalty.

Factors that Impact Logo Design:

Several factors can impact logo design, including the brand’s target audience, industry, and values. It is essential for a brand to consider these factors when designing a logo to ensure that it resonates with its customers and accurately represents the brand.

Target Audience:

A brand’s target audience is the group of people who are most likely to purchase its products or services. It is crucial for a brand to understand its target audience when designing a logo, as it can impact the design and messaging. For example, a brand targeting young adults may want to use bold, vibrant colors and a modern, edgy design to appeal to this audience.


The industry in which a brand operates can also impact logo design. Different industries have different design trends and expectations, and it is essential for a brand to consider these when designing a logo. For example, a technology company may want to use a minimalist, futuristic design to represent its industry and values.


A brand’s values are the beliefs and principles that guide its actions and decisions. It is crucial for a brand to communicate its values through its logo, as it can help to build trust and loyalty with customers. For example, a brand that values sustainability may want to use earthy colors and a nature-inspired design to communicate its commitment to the environment.


In conclusion, logo design plays a critical role in a brand’s success. A well-designed logo can significantly impact brand recognition and customer loyalty, creating an emotional connection with customers and differentiating a brand from its competitors. It is essential for brands to consider their target audience, industry, and values when designing a logo, to ensure that it accurately represents the brand and resonates with customers.

The Importance Of Mobile-Friendly Website Design

Mobile-friendly website design is crucial in today’s digital landscape. With the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, more and more people are accessing the internet through their mobile devices. In fact, mobile devices account for over half of all internet traffic worldwide.

A mobile-friendly website design ensures that your website is accessible and easy to use on any device, regardless of its screen size or orientation. This is important because users expect a seamless browsing experience, and if your website is difficult to navigate on a mobile device, they may become frustrated and leave your site.

Moreover, mobile-friendly websites are favored by search engines such as Google, as they provide a better user experience. In fact, Google has made mobile-friendliness a ranking factor for websites, meaning that mobile-friendly sites are more likely to appear at the top of search results.

Having a mobile-friendly website design can also improve your website’s conversion rates. If your website is easy to use on a mobile device, visitors are more likely to engage with your content, complete a purchase, or fill out a contact form.

In summary, having a mobile-friendly website design is essential for reaching and engaging with your target audience. It can improve your website’s usability, search engine ranking, and conversion rates, ultimately leading to increased traffic and revenue for your business.

The Role Of Cloud Computing In Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a process of integrating digital technology into all areas of the business to achieve better results and optimize operations. With digital transformation, companies can streamline processes, improve customer experience, and enhance productivity. However, to enable digital transformation, businesses require an infrastructure that can support digital technologies.

The delivery of computing resources on-demand over the internet, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, is known as cloud computing. Cloud computing provides several benefits to businesses, such as flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. In this article, we will discuss the role of cloud computing in digital transformation.

Role of Cloud Computing in Digital Transformation:

Scalability and Flexibility:

One of the key benefits of cloud computing is scalability and flexibility. Cloud computing enables businesses to scale their resources up or down according to their changing business needs. This means that businesses can easily accommodate growth without having to worry about infrastructure constraints. Additionally, cloud computing allows businesses to adjust their resources quickly and easily based on fluctuating demand. This flexibility allows companies to better align their IT infrastructure with their business objectives.

Reduced Costs:

Cloud computing can also significantly reduce the costs of IT infrastructure. With cloud computing, businesses can avoid upfront capital expenditure on hardware, software, and other infrastructure. Instead, they pay for what they use, and can easily adjust their resource consumption as needed. This pay-as-you-go model also allows businesses to predict their IT costs more accurately, making it easier to budget for IT expenses.

Enhanced Security:

Cloud computing can also enhance the security of business operations. Cloud providers typically invest heavily in security measures, including encryption, access controls, and monitoring. Additionally, by storing data in the cloud, businesses can protect against data loss due to hardware failure or other disasters.

Better Customer Experience:

Cloud computing can also enable a better customer experience. By leveraging cloud-based applications, businesses can provide a more personalized experience to their customers. For example, they can use customer data to tailor products and services to individual preferences, provide real-time support, and offer more convenient access to services.

Competitive Advantage:

Cloud computing can also provide businesses with a competitive advantage. By leveraging cloud-based applications and services, businesses can be more agile and responsive to changing market conditions. Additionally, by adopting cloud-based technologies, businesses can innovate more quickly, enabling them to bring new products and services to market faster than their competitors.

Rapid Deployment:

Cloud computing can also enable the rapid deployment of new applications and services. With traditional IT infrastructure, deploying new applications or services can take weeks or even months. However, with cloud computing, businesses can deploy new applications or services in a matter of hours or days. This allows businesses to be more agile and respond more quickly to changing market conditions or customer needs.

Simplified IT Management:

Cloud computing can also simplify IT management. With traditional IT infrastructure, businesses need to manage and maintain hardware, software, and other infrastructure components. However, with cloud computing, businesses can outsource much of this management to cloud providers. This can free up IT resources to focus on more strategic activities, such as developing new applications or services.

Improved Disaster Recovery:

Cloud computing can also improve disaster recovery capabilities. With traditional IT infrastructure, businesses need to invest in redundant hardware and backup systems to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster. However, with cloud computing, businesses can rely on cloud providers to handle disaster recovery. Cloud providers typically have redundant systems in place to ensure that data is protected and accessible in the event of a disaster.

Global Reach:

Cloud computing also enables businesses to expand their reach globally. With cloud-based applications and services, businesses can easily expand their operations to new regions or countries. This allows businesses to reach new customers and tap into new markets.


In conclusion, cloud computing plays a critical role in enabling digital transformation. By providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, cloud computing can help businesses to optimize their IT infrastructure and align it with their business objectives. Additionally, cloud computing enables improved collaboration, increased efficiency, enhanced security, better customer experience, and competitive advantage. As businesses continue to adopt digital technologies, cloud computing will become an increasingly important component of their IT infrastructure.

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Why are businesses moving to the Cloud?

ed PCLOUD has been the main computing place for companies. Most of them have migrated their apps to cloud systems, and even businesses that have data on-premise now are preparing to switch to the cloud in the future. Around the same time as they move their data to the cloud, companies around industries are modernising their computing systems to take advantage of new-age technologies and predictive analytics. 

All have access to enterprise-class technologies as they move to the cloud. It also helps smaller companies to respond more rapidly than their bigger, more experienced rivals. Small businesses will compete with the big ones and dominate the industry by staying lean because of the pay-as-you-go services and cloud business apps. Cloud storage allows for fast creativity, resource availability, and cost savings. It has a feature that encourages customers to pay only for the services that they use, lowering maintenance costs and allowing networks to operate more smoothly and efficiently.

cloud technologies

Cloud technologies provide major advantages to businesses of any scale, but a new survey has shown that fewer than 10% of firms feel that they can completely handle the growth of cloud computers, smart devices, social media and data analysis in their current IT infrastructure. Previously, the IT department was in charge of this. Now, the cloud is crucial to company decision-makers performance for several reasons. Better analysis is given by Cloud. 54 per cent of leading companies are using analytics to extract information from data in an environment of centralized and largely incomplete information, which help them target consumers and product prospects better. Cloud makes it very convenient for cloud teams to communicate on shared data from different platforms and wherever. Given the transition from cost efficiency in their back-office processes to changes in their engagement systems, the cloud is also considered to be the most efficient way to forge a stronger bond with the customer.

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52% of leading businesses turn to the cloud for faster goods and services innovation. For example, Kuma Games is a leading developer of episodic video games which serve millions of users each week through immersive 3D experiences – including stories ripped off news headlines and cable TV. To achieve the versatility, efficiency and scalability needed for such immersive and complex games, Kuma worked with IBM since 2007. A cloud solution enables Kuma Games to give gamers worldwide, no matter how many users concurrently, a constant high-performance, graphically enticing and seamless experience. Leading companies can quantify substantial advantages from their cloud investment, from effective returns to enhanced workforce mobility, but they can pace their investment equally important so that they minimise large start-up investment costs and pay annually on a company basis.

One of the great advantages of the decentralised cloud being its incredibly competitive price system. Most public cloud suppliers provide flexible payment per hour for companies. It allows companies, especially small and medium-sized companies, to tighten the costs by paying only based on their specifications for the infrastructure. Companies may run their online applications without a fixed cost on servers, equipment, installation or maintenance. In a period of very few hours, businesses will set up their public cloud. It can be easily purchased from the website of the cloud provider and centrally deployed and installed. With just an internet link, the IT team can instal it and handle it quickly.

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In certain situations, the personnel budget accounts for more than halves of the overall costs of computing mostly because good IT engineers are hard to find and costly. Since cloud management is incredibly simple, businesses need to just pay for cloud services, and they can still restructure their IT teams to use skilled talent in fields that give the company more money. The cloud operator shall maintain the cloud hardware, services and networks. Businesses also do not care about up-to-date repairs or care about aspects such as infrastructure and improvements. It helps them to operate the facilities with a limited IT staff and reduces the total costs substantially.

3 Steps to ensure that your Cloud Data is Secured

Back in January 2018, LogicMonitor conducted a study – Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of Cloud – which estimates that 83 percent of the workloads of companies will shift to the cloud by 2020. The report also addresses serious data security issues associated with this huge cloud revolution.

According to the same report, after transferring their company data into the cloud, 66 percent of IT professionals assume that security is their biggest concern. The figures that vary over time, but the study points to increasing concern about cloud computing techniques and why protection is not adequate for cloud providers.

Measures for maintaining data security in the cloud

Cloud computing enables companies of all sizes with minimal investment in IT infrastructure to run and scale seamlessly. Nonetheless, taking into account the many risks and threats to cloud security, especially for companies from highly regulated industries such as banking, healthcare, and insurance, it is important to take multiple measures to protect data.

Related Post: 3 Best Cloud Migration Strategies You Must Know About

Implement a management system for identification and access

The aim of an Identity and Access Management (IAM) program is to ensure that the right people have access to the company’s right assets. An IAM solution is a critical part of the security strategy of an organization in today’s digitally connected world. Use single sign-on (SSO) systems, multi-factor authentication, and privileged access management, an IAM system helps an organization monitor and control user access. The right IAM solutions help companies to promote safe and efficient access to technology services across a variety of systems while providing a number of benefits, such as:

  • Easy to access to services through a centralized portal for users to access them.
  • Reducing the cost of protection because of a single IAM program handles all user access, enabling administrators to concentrate on other work besides security.
  • Better data protection approach through the integrated authentication and authorization capabilities available on a single platform.

cloud consulting services, cloud migration services, keep cloud data safe

Continue to test the safety measures

While keeping up with the times and constantly updating security measures is important, keeping a check on current measures is also essential. IP addresses, and so on, maybe costly but, relative to the damages that a company might suffer in the case of a cyberattack, it’s minimal. This year, massive data breaches have occurred, causing companies and government agencies to rely more than ever on their data security. The testing of existing security systems is one of the first areas of focus necessary to prevent such breaches. That’s why all sorts of companies are gradually working with white hats or ethical hackers fo in-depth security assessments.

As a bonus, regular testing of your cloud security measures will make a huge difference, not only to ensure security but also to enhance system performance as a whole.

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Consider the potential of an in-house assault

There is a tendency to believe that only outsiders can launch an attack on your enterprise when it comes to data breaches. The entire act of taking strict security measures can be made meaningless by not realizing that an attacker might be responsible for compromising your data.

An attack within the company is not unheard of – indeed, as stated by Cybersecurity Insiders’ 2019 Insider Threat Survey, 70 percent of companies experience indoor attacks very regularly. In the past 15 months, at least one Identity and Access Management system such an attack has been encountered by 60 percent of these organizations. Regardless of the sector in which it operates, the risk of internal attacks should not be taken lightly – particularly given that such violations can often go undetected. Make sure that no user should have access rights beyond the scope of their job to protect the company from internal breaches. Make sure that no user should have access rights beyond the scope of their job to protect the company from internal breaches. This limitation covers computers and software. Remove access to services that are outdated and be prompt when an employee leaves to revoke all access privileges. In addition, place a limit on which data applications the employee/user can access from and through which computer they can access it.


Training users or workers is also important in order to prevent any unintentional leakage of sensitive data. Be consistent with the training and keep up-to-date with development. Our technology consultants and cloud transformation specialists at Ouriken ensure that in every approach we offer data security is an important consideration.

Ouriken’s cloud consulting services identify and prioritize cloud applications, optimization, cloud migration which helps your business. Our cloud security services experience ahs also led to our Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution being developed to do what’s right to protect your data, contact us today!

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Things to Consider for Successful Cloud Migration Testing

If you have been following us, you will know that we discussed the methods which can be used in the cloud migration process itself. But most of the tines it may happen that the process of execution according to us happened correctly and efficiently, whereas, unless we test it thoroughly we cannot just assume that its concrete and it needs constant attention and maintenance to run smoothly. That is why just as we do software testing, we have to do the cloud migration testing. And in this blog, we’re going to address the testing considerations for cloud migration.

A comprehensive testing plan is crucial for the migration’s success, once you have decided to move your business to the cloud. The cloud migration process will help you to ensure that you do not face server breakdown issues, database glitches and other errors that can impede a successful cloud migration.

Focus for Cloud Migration Success

The main focus of cloud migration testing is on the various validations required to ensure its success.

Related Post: 3 Best Cloud Migration strategies You Must Know About

Functional Testing

The production-readiness of the migrated applications is tested in functional validation. For ts various aspects a detailed analysis is performed and checked for SLA compliance. Perform end-to-end validation of the applications’ functions to ensure the success of your migration

  • Checking if the desired output is generating for a valid and required input.
  • Checking if the service integrations with other applications are complete.
  • Checking if the object references are working as expected.
  • Checking if the cross-platform compatibility is ensured.

Integration Testing

To ensure your applications are integrated seamlessly with third-party applications and that communication between them is happening without and issues is an integral part of migration testing. Strikeout the dependencies between applications, and various SLAs that each application comes with. The migration process tends to become more complicated if you are migrating one or more applications. Just consider these following validations to simplify the process.

  • For integration testing, what interfaces and systems should be covered?
  • For validation and integration testing, what are the resources needed?
  • To develop and execute tests with third-party applications, what plan is in place?
  • How will the identification of coordination problems in the cloud environment?

Many Cloud consulting service providers also provide integration validation as an add-on to their services, which help ensure error-free integration testing.

integration testing, performance testing, security testing, functional testing

Security Testing

In the beginning, the biggest discouragement for organizations to move their operations to the cloud was concern over security. Backed up by several advancements in the field, cloud security now has features that can prevent even sophisticated attacks from gaining access to your data and applications. Consider the following while y perform security validation:

  • Make sure that your cloud network can be accessed only by authorized users.
  • Take preventive measures against common attacks, and ensure that the measures are working properly.
  • Validation of data security is important In rest, in use and during transit.

A few other aspects of security testing include data security, privacy testing, business process security, and application security.

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Performance Testing

Determining the performance and response time of the applications moved to the cloud is important for determining migration success. This step will also help you in optimizing the workload across resources. These are the things you should consider while performing performance validation.

  • Checking if the application architecture is supported by the cloud.
  • As per SLAs, we have to validate response times.
  • Load testing must be performed in parallel to understand how your services perform under various load types.


Cloud migration is often tricky to execute despite having all that help organization can get on paper, cloud migration is often tricky to execute and can result in more problems than benefits if used misleadingly. Hence, it is important and advisable to understand why to bring a team of testing professionals on-board for a successful migration.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our cloud consulting services identify and prioritize cloud applications, optimization, cloud migration which helps your business.


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3 Best Cloud Migration Strategies You Must Know About

For Business purposes companies nowadays have adopted cloud computing platform. There are hardly any companies we’ll find wh does not use cloud today, such as the popularity of cloud. For the successful run of business, there might be many reasons but it is essential to migrate to the cloud platforms in cloud consulting services.

Why Should We Migrate?

As the introduction and updation of newer technologies take place, it is highly recommended to use and adopt these technologies n order to stay in the competition. IT does have many advantages in terms of speed, storage, processing of data, cost and much more it’s the go-to platform every company is adopting right now. Migration isn’t something which can be done overnight, significant planning is required wit required resources. Inclusion of planning should be why you want to shift, what you’re keeping with you, and where is the destination where you will keep all the data again. Let’s dive deep into the strategies.

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With the necessary resources, the planning of migration is concrete, for achieving the desired result, we can follow a strategy. Though there are many strategies we can use to complete the job, today we will look at the three R’s of the cloud migration strategy. It is very essential to determine the current environment,  its dependencies, licenses, types of applications and servers. Organizations that opt for the migration of data and applications to the cloud use these strategies. They are as follows:

  • Rehost
  • Revise
  • Refractor


It’s also known as “lift and shift strategy”. This is the most commonly followed strategy when the applications are needed to migrate to the cloud. Involvement of lifting a part of the application or whole application from one on-premise or existing cloud environment and shifting it to another cloud environment, that is why the name. in the process of shifting of an application to the new cloud platform, sometimes there is a need for change in the host configuration. Is your business concerned about operational cost and quick migration without any need of disturbing the existing application workflow?


Unlike the rehosting strategy, in this strategy, a part or whole application is optimized before migrating to the cloud. This strategy is also known as “re-platforming”.  Preoptimization of application really helps in better performance of application rather than improving the entire code architecture. Organizations can leverage more cloud benefits by optimizing the applications rather than just moving them, but rehosting is way cheaper as compared to revising strategy.

Related Post: What is Internet of Things[IoT]?


Not at all similar to the other two strategies. It is too complex as compared to rehosting and revising. It is also known as “re-architecting” because even though this strategy is the most expensive one amongst all three, but it offers the best possible benefits when it comes to cloud migration of data and application in an organization and the refractor approach makes changes to architecture structure of the application. The requirement of time, as well as knowledge about the cloud platform itself, is necessary for the refractor approach and services offered.

There are two types in this strategy namely, partial and complete. In Partial refractor, only a part of the application is modified, since it happens in sequence it results in faster migration whereas, in complete refractor approach, the entire modification of application takes place, which is pocket-friendly and high in performance.

Cloud Migration Strategies


It is not easy to choose an appropriate migration strategy for an organization. Many factors must be considered before taking a decision which includes the right cloud service provider, optimization of necessary application processes, migration strategy, overhead, costs, and more.

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Ouriken’s cloud consulting services identify and prioritize cloud applications, optimization, cloud migration which helps your business. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

What is Internet Of Things [IoT]?

Almost everyone has been heard of this term ‘IoT’, but never could have actually figured out that what it really is. Well, let’s get familiarize to the topic by introducing the person who coined this term. Kevin Ashton coined this topic in 1999 at presentation to Procter and Gamble. Kevin co-founded MIT’s Auto-ID Lab. He believed that Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is essential to the internet of things, which basically allows computers to manage all individual things. heard of a company named zensi, it’s about energy sensing and monitoring technology, it was started by Kevin Ashton as well.

Introduction to IoT

So, what is IoT? If put in a simple way, IoT can be any ‘thing or object’ which is connected to the internet than people. It is more a device that has sensors in it with the ability to collect and transfer data over a network without human intervention. The technology which is embedded in the device helps it to interact with internal states or within itself and of its external environment which helps in the decision-making process. In short, IoT describes the internet where data is created by things.
Gartner stated, by 2020 there will be more than 26 billion connected devices and will keep on increasing as it grows further and can reach up to 100 billion devices. Just like us, the humans the network is only going to get stronger and will increase the object-object and people-object connection. Imagine the giant network of connected things where IoT does not only impact the standard of living but also how we perform our day-to-day tasks. And just like humans learn from each other those devices who are in a network will learn experiences from other devices.
Here’s a quote by Kevin Ashton on IoT –

“If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things—using data they gathered without any help from us—we would be able to track and count everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss, and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best.”

Whenever a new product is being released, before going to the consumers they test it manually for the error and defects which that product may come up with, and then we learn from those errors and defects and try to eradicate it. It’s a process. In the same way, a room temperature sensor collects data and transfer it across the network, which is received and used by multiple other devices or sensors to adjust their temperature accordingly. For example, a refrigerator’s sensor will receive the outside temperature and will adjust its internal temperature according to it. And air conditioners are already sensing the room temperature and adjusting the power according to it. This is how devices create their own eco-system by interact, contribute and collaborate. Currently, we are surrounded by lots of IoT enabled devices that are continuously connected to each other and emitting data and communicating through multiple devices. IoT will be the future and will survive as technology grows. All the data is stored in the cloud and many organizations provide cloud consulting services maintain and optimize the data.

Smart Home Automation, Internet of things , IoT


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Advantages of IoT

IoT has the functionality that devices could be controlled remotely across the internet. So, by the use of the sensors and the internet IoT created opportunities to directly connect and integrate the physical world to the computer-based systems. It will create automation in nearly all fields by the interconnection of these multiple embedded devices. therefore increasing the efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit with less human intervention. It encapsulates technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation, and smart cities. Some major advantages of IoT

1. Better customer engagement

Automation of action is vastly improved by the help of IoT, for example, a car will automatically detect the issues within the car by the help of the sensors built in it. The driver, as well as the manufacturer, will get notified about it. Till the time driver takes the car to the service station, the manufacturer will make sure that the faulty part is available in the service station so it can be repaired or replaced immediately.

2. Optimized Technicality

Improving technologies and making them better is another benefit of IoT, the car manufacturer can collect the sensor data from so many different cars and analyze them to optimize their design and functionality and make them much more efficient.

3. Reduced Waste

Till now, what we know about the insights are they are superficial, but with the help of IoT, we can get real-time information leading to effective decision making and management resources. For example, just imagine there is a fault in the entire manufacturing belt of the spare part that car which broke down and there are problems with multiple engines, he can track the manufacturing plant of those engines and can correct the issues with manufacturing belt.

Hardware required for IoT

Ever wondered what hardware we might need for preparing an IoT solution? well, the answer is simple. The raw materials required for it is ‘sensors’ which senses the environment, and also a remote dashboard to monitor your output and display it in a clear form. And lastly, you will require a device that can connect to the internet, or is capable of serving and routing. Detecting specific conditions and taking actions accordingly would be the key function of these devices. Here comes the tricky part, we should always secure the connection and communication between the devices and the dashboard.
Accelerometers, temperature sensors, magnetometers, proximity sensors, gyroscope, image sensors, acoustic sensors, light or photosensors, pressure sensors, gas RFID sensors, humidity sensors, and micro-flow sensors are some of the common sensors we are surrounded with. Nowadays, we are familiar with devices like smartwatch, shoes and 3D glasses, these devices are best examples for smart solutions. The 3D glass is capable of adjusting the television’s brightness which is comfortable to one’s eyes, and smartwatches keep track of your daily activities and they also keep track of the heart rate which gives us approximate insights of our health. A device called Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized computer developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It has four USB ports, one LAN port, one audio port, one HDMI port, one SD card slot, one general-purpose Input/Output [GPIO] port, and one charger port. The current generation device also houses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Raspberry pi, IoT, internet of things

But, the most important device which has tremendously contributed to IoT is cell phones. Mobile apps are the most revolutionizing contribution to the technology of the world. Cell phones are devices that come with apps and sensors which reveal a lot of information about the user. From geo-location information to tracing light conditions, also to orientation of the device and a lot more information. Since the main function of a cell phone is to make calls, so cellular function, and other functions like Wi-fi, Bluetooth are some of the connectivity options the cell phone comes with which helps them to communicate with other devices. Because of all these functions, the cell phone remains the core of the IoT ecosystem. Further, it can now talk with the smartwatch and fitness band to ease and improve the user experience. Bluetooth, Wifi, NFC, RFID, radio protocols and Wifi-Direct are some major technologies and protocols to communicate with devices based on requirements. Across all industries and markets, IoT applications are flourishing. The IoT has a crowd of expansion over various industries, including the vast group of users, from individual who wants to conserve energy by implementing IoT automation to the large scale companies who want to enhance their business operations. IoT not only is very useful in optimizing critical applications but also they have enhanced the concept of advanced automation which we have imagined a decade ago. Let’s now dig into the capabilities of IoT across different industries and look at how they are revolutionizing them.

Applications of IoT Across Various Industries

Here are some major industries where IoT is integrated and been proven it’s worth. Automation with the help of IoT is the key to the technology of the future.

Energy Industries

Due to an increase in the rates of energy, individuals, as well as organizations, are looking for a way to take control of consumption in their hands. Hence, IoT provides a solution for not only monitor the energy usage at the application level but also at house level, grid-level or maybe at the distribution level. Devices used to measure and monitor energy consumption are smart meters and smart grids. It protects appliances by detecting threats to system performance and stability.

Healthcare Industries

Fitness bands and smartwatches have revolutionized the frequency of health monitoring. An individual can monitor hos own health by the help of it. And if a patient is reaching the hospital by ambulance, his reports are prepared and been diagnosed by doctors by the time he reaches the hospital, and can quickly start the treatment as soon as he reaches there. Furthermore, that data is collected and analyzed by doctors to find various information about the diseases and find a cure for it.

Education Industry

In order to fulfill the gaps in the education industry, IoT provides education aid. It not only improves the quality of education but also enhances the cost and furthermore, enhances the management by taking student’s performance and response into consideration.


IoT also provides solutions for building smart cities. Armed forces systems and services are also enhanced by the help of IoT. Be it better Border Security or high-performance vehicle, everything is taken care of from the data which is collected and analyzed.

Air and Water Pollution

We can detect the pollution in air and water by frequent sampling with the help of various sensors. Substantial contamination is prevented because of it. IoT automation plays a vital role in this industry as is allows the operation to minimize human intervention in farming analysis and monitoring which notifies the user if there is any change in the structure of crops, soil, environment and more.

Transportation Industry

Self-driving cars with sensors, traffic lights that can sense the traffic and switch automatically, parking assistance, giving us the location of free parking space, etc are some of the existing IoT examples in the transportation industry. Like we discussed above in an example, there are sensors in the vehicle which indicate about the current status of the vehicle, so we don’t run into problems while driving. By the end of 2021, it is projected that 82% of cars will be connected to the cloud or the internet.

Marketing Industry

By delivering relevant content and solutions, organizations analyze and respond to customer preferences, using IoT. Business strategies could be improved in real-time.

Business Process Industry

Inventory management and automation are possible by using IoT, ultimately, smart devices will be implemented to track the inventory data in the system. Creating new gadgets, furniture, home appliances, and devices to meet the new demands consumers have will offer a new and reliable source of revenue for the entire business world. A task that used to require the on-site presence of humans for its competition will also be done with IoT. All this massive data generated from smart devices will help businesses to gain knowledge of how and what to create ultimately transforming for the greater impact.

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Implementation of IoT is just a beginning, Businesses will get a competitive advantage of this technology who are taking a step to develop or expand IoT technology in services, products and business operations will grow exponentially.
Sooner the digital marketing agencies understand how to integrate IoT in their services and what opportunities and challenges they might face as more devices start to get webbed in the network on IoT.

Ouriken’s cloud consulting services identify and prioritize cloud applications, optimization, cloud migration which helps your business.