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5 Business Ideas for Mobile App Development During COVID-19

With the growth of mobile app users around the globe, especially during the COVID 19 era, entrepreneurs and businesses need to focus on mobile apps to promote their companies. We are living in a moment when the importance of smartphone devices is strong. Approximately 95 percent of people worldwide own a smartphone and have lots of mobile devices.

Believe it or not, but the average user wants more than a webpage to use smartphone phones.

For too many growths in digital industry smartphone devices, companies need to capitalize on the best business strategies to make the most of what they can amid the pandemic. That’s why I took the time to do extensive analysis into what could fit best for businesses.

Planning to invest in the development of a viable smartphone application? Below are a few ideas to remember.

Apps for Video Calling

During the grave hour of the pandemic, the need to stay linked to your loved ones has become a must for individuals around the globe. And nothing more efficiently serves this function than a video sharing device. During COVID-19 it was becoming more relevant than ever.

It’s because people around the world are in a tight shutdown, and skilled contact is needed. They have to make sure things fly seamlessly around the globe in a fair & organized way. And with the proper video calling software, from home ability, they will make the best of this job.

Businesses should invest in designing video messaging applications that can make community video sharing functionality simpler. This app will allow workplace workers to have meetings and host video call conferences. Around the same time, it will help teachers perform teaching sessions in which they can effectively educate a group of students. Individuals will also organize webinars, do live shows, and do what not.

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Apps for Mobile Payment Gateway

With physical distance being the new standard, people tend to make more and more internet purchases instead of actively visiting locations to exchange in cash for service/good. And nothing catches the economic imagination more feverishly than a portal app to assist with mobile payments. Online payment portal applications are probably the most effective way to quickly allow multiple purchases without making physical interaction. And there is no need to spend in education more successfully than now.

Maintaining your customer finances item of trust, authentication, and protection, the right mobile payment gateway app will easily handle millions of transactions every month, making your app a very lucrative choice for you. It can be quickly incorporated with other website sites as an add-on too. When you intend to invest in developing a smartphone app so the safest option is to find payment gateways.

Apps for Fitness

Although people are expected to spend time indoors due to the country ‘s growing pandemic condition, people are having a considerably lower chance to go outdoors. Gyms & parks are also closing at the same time, causing an added challenge for the regular adult to work out and shed weights. It is critical at times as such that they have to consider holding themselves in good shape.

Something so beautifully suits the aim as a workout app does.

People are more mindful of their wellbeing and the right smartphone fitness software will help them set up the daily schedule. Many software development companies are already working in partnership with specialist trainers to create a much more immersive environment for house gym enthusiasts. They are developing mobile app applications that allow users to interact and quickly start the cycle with their favorite trainers.

When you’re not capitalizing on this season’s wellness features, otherwise you probably miss out.

Apps for Online Shopping (E-Commerce)

E-commerce has since gained a large part of the retail economy. It has been taking a stand for a long time since the pandemic has reached the human community and right now, as we are going through a big crisis, the need for e-commerce software has been more paramount than it used to be. While the need for essential needs is growing significantly, so is the need for mobile e-commerce devices.

People who work in the consumer goods sector are most likely to turn out the best outcomes from smartphone devices for e-commerce. For example, if you have a convenience store or a drug store in the U.S. then a smartphone e-commerce app will certainly work well for your company. You need the best product development firm to assist you with that if you want to spend your money on the right app.

With the right e-commerce software for your company, you will easily raise multiples of profit margins.

Related Post: Things to do for secure Mobile App Development

Apps for Learning

Last but not least, applications are being discovered on our day-list. Many people find themselves trapped inside their homes during the pandemic and they are left with no alternative but to communicate online. The training exercise is one of the many activities they diligently work out and comes as a priority.

With the ability to learn new things, people are searching through their awareness of new ways of improving. So, what they require at times as this is a robust learning framework that will support them.

Businesses should invest in giving their customers amazing learning app experiences. They can employ several fascinating features that can enhance the learning experience of a person.


iPhone devices have been quite a trend around the world for ordinary people. The following are a few suggestions for smartphone applications that developers can quickly cash in on. The chances of gaining are getting low right now. Those are time-trying moments and nothing will work in your favor more easily than a smartphone device. This can be a difficult job to find the best mobile device production provider but not with us.

Ouriken has experienced developers in mobile app development offering mobile app development services at the best price. Do you want to have a smartphone app for your company too? Let’s talk. Click here to contact us.

Things To Do For Secure Mobile App Development

The planet out there has more smart devices connected to the internet than men. With app commitment to dominance, mobile phone use continues to grow at a very high rate. The security concerns are overrated when the race gets a hit on a track.

There is no question that online app retailers such as the Google Play Store and the Apple Store are of interest. Nevertheless, various organizations and developers are launching their apps with increasing app supremacy. Everybody wants an app on the market – all these inventions are safe? Our recent research on Mobile App Development Safety with the aid of VeztekUSA leads us to some reasons to put this issue into perspective.

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You may follow those below, but the element that makes malicious hacking possible should be recognized before that. It is the organizations that allow employees to carry their smartphones in and use them. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is the framework to which these organizations adapt. It provides consumers with a positive experience, which exposes the IT department to the risk of un-securing data access on enterprise systems. Therefore, mixed usage leads to vague conclusions for the underlying security problems and this unclear terrain makes it easy to hack. Now, before jumping into the security of the device, here are the ADIDS steps for which you should be prepared:

Preparation for the Five Big Steps App

Just like any other project, it takes planning to develop an app. It is necessary to understand the entire environment in which the organization must work for the creation of mobile apps. You should be mindful that this environment should create a smooth process of development and speed up implementation. Whether the app is built by a third-party vendor or produced in-house, keep a close check of the audience, data, infrastructure, application delivery, and the support for successful growth.

  • Audience – Determine the correct audience; build people to understand whether one or more apps are needed. Understand what the audience needs; visitors to the internet are different from a mobile user, look at the viewpoints, decide the medium to use, restrict devices that access the site if the app is a mobile website.
  • Data – determine the data you need to show on the web, understand the data you need to make offline available.
  • Infrastructure – set up web services for accessing data to determine the structures on which data resides.
  • Deployment – The app store has its own application and registration fee in order to understand the assets required for deployment.
  • Support – who will fund the project should be transparent and prepare for knowledge transfer beforehand.

Safe And Secure Development of Mobile Apps

  • Hold the coding clear – Mobile malware often tapers the bugs in the design or coding of an application. The malicious code has been reported to infect millions of mobile devices and risen to twenty times that number. Attackers have the opportunity to get a copy of the software and reverse engineer it, even before exploiting the bug. The popular apps are repackaged as “rogue software” and are posted along with the malicious code on the third-party app store. Developers should, therefore, be assisting with software capable of finding and closing vulnerabilities.
  • Keep the device secured – the application’s protection is directly proportional to the system. The involvement of rogue apps will lead to execution risks is the system is disabled or stuck in jail. Organizations can determine the underlying device’s security by – the software sandbox should be intact, the apps should not be able to access organizational data, the prison break technology and how it can be identified should be copied, the current application credibility and intelligence sources should be considered and the application or data functionality should be disabled or allowed depending on the level of risk.
  • Keep the data secured – the data can increase the potential for data loss when exchanged with non-enterprise applications. Mobile data encryption can be used to secure data and remote wipe can also be used to repair devices that have been lost or stolen. In addition, data elements should be encrypted individually to manage application data sharing on devices.
  • The transaction must be secured – Transaction risk tolerance varies as users as users are allowed to transact on – the – go with enterprise services via mobile applications. Organizations can build risk-conscious transaction strategies that limit mobile risk factors and policies based on client-side features (including user location, system protection attributes, and network connection securities). Organizations can also use the mobile risk engine to associate risk factors as IP velocity.

Secure transaction, secure payments =, secure information


Business executives and IT professionals should understand how mobility affects their BYOD age-related business risk profile. Enterprises leap into mobile application growth but do not take into account the planning required to successfully deploy an app. Until embarking on a mobile app development project, there are five main ADIDS steps that should be explored. Smooth execution is assured through diligent planning as well as through knowledge of the process. By being cautious and organized, you can escape difficulties, but you need to consider your design for success in the development process.

Related Post: How will 5G affect the development of mobile apps in 2020?

Ouriken application development & support services help you maintain your business-critical mainframe applications & replace legacy applications. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

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How will 5G affect the development of mobile apps in 2020?

It’s been over a decade now since I bought my first mobile phone. Features like calling, sending messages and caller ID were the only requirement, using the internet on the mobile phone was still a myth. As technology advanced we were able to use the internet on phone and connecting with friends right from our bed was a big deal then. But, cut to today, if you ask people to use mobile with slow internet, they might not talk to you again.

Jokes apart, people now want fast loading websites and information which travels at the speed of light. And 4G was serving us well. However, technology evolves every minute, I’m looking forward to seeing the blazing speed 5G has to bring. I’m sure this is a mutual feeling. It’s not just me; everyone wants a 5G smartphone too. 5G will have a transformative impact on health, education, and industry. And when you’re thinking about companies, app development is one of them. The cost of developing a mobile app is rising high.

The path-breaking innovation will not only affect companies but will also embrace this technology by people from all walks of life. By 2024, according to Statista, there will be 1.88 billion global subscribers in their pockets with 5G enabled smartphones.

mobile app development, mobile app development stistics

The mobile network of the fifth generation is supposed to be 1,000 times faster than a 4G network. A high-frequency bandwidth called ‘Millimeter’ will be used by 5G mobile phones to allow data to travel quickly.

Why is everyone looking forward to using the 5G technology?

Let’s narrow down to some of the key benefits of using 5G:

  • Although 4G mobiles transmit data at 20Mbps speed, a 5G smartphone transmits data at 10-500 Gbps speed.
  • Streaming uninterrupted 4k HDR
  • 5G promises worldwide uninterrupted connectivity.
  • 5G technology can bring all networks together on one platform.

Let’s talk about how 5G can impact the creation of mobile apps throughout the world.

There are certain aspects that every mobile app developer needs to consider before creating a mobile app – first, the framework for mobile app growth. Every phone will work seamlessly with a good mobile app. Rest around the corner with 5G launch; developers are now considering changing their optimization strategies to take full advantage of 5G.

If you are willing to develop 5G mobile apps here are some things you should know at all costs:

eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband)

With the support of improved mobile broadband, app developers have plenty of space to create appealing, responsive and out-of-the-world interfaces. There is space for playing with AR, VR, UltraHD and even 360 streaming video with eMBB. Such advanced technologies can help create exotic digital experiences that can attract customers and lower the rate of dropping out of the app.

URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication)

One of the revolutionary features of a 5G smartphone is that data is shared in real-time between devices. Due to ultra-low latency communication, even when you are traveling in a vehicle or performing surgery in real-time, you will be able to transfer data in real-time.

Imagine driving and finding a red light. Logically, when the light goes green, it’s an indication to accelerate, but you see a car running a red light on your right side just when you are about to accelerate.

Today, to avoid the collision, the human mind may take time to decide whether to accelerate or hit the brakes. But if you’re riding in a 5G-leveraged self-driven car, it will stop immediately by detecting the 5G signal in the other direction.

5G mobile technology would allow app developers the freedom to create improved user experience by creating apps that were once a vision of moving level constraints. In fact, the best part is that 5G should reduce the loading time of the device, regardless of its volume.

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mMTC (Massive Machine Type Communication)

We can have more community linked to 5G. You know that Machine Type Communication (MTC) is just communication between one computer and another without a human being’s intervention.

Massive Machine Type Transmission (mMTC) and mIoT traffic must deal with 5G networks. With the following implementations, this will have a huge impact on our individual and collective lives.

  • 5G enabled health bands will send an ambulance to either a patient at home or someone who has experienced a life-threatening accident immediately by intimate health services.
  • By autonomous drones, farmers will able to monitor and control their plants, machinery, and livestock.
  • It would be a dream come true for the public to stream your favorite entertainment content without a stutter.
  • Tracking bands allowed by 5G will allow parents to keep an eye on their children.
  • Users will be able to connect to their smart home devices, allowing then to maximize on-the-go power consumption.
  • You will be able to communicate and tell your driver-less car when to get your door and when to enter the parking lot.

There will be no lagging problem at all with low-power use and high-speed. Taking into account the above mentioned technologies, app developers will develop better mobile apps that would harness 5G’s power to create tomorrow’s truly smart cities.

Let’s Talk About Other Hand which everyone ignores.

Everybody is always excited about the new tech. Why wouldn’t that be? You can see the emergence of new possibilities that would benefit everybody.

But nobody wants to talk about the problems that accompany the new tech in this excitement. Because we all know that not all glitter is gold, let’s dig into some of the drawbacks of sung 5G technology.

Related Post: 9 Tips to Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

You should be aware of some eye-opening stuff here:

  • 5G is not going to work on older devices.
  • You’re going to have to buy 5G enabled devices and they’re pricey.
  • 5G mobile phone security is still at stake. The sharing of personal data is not transparent.
  • The wave-length of high frequency used in 5G mobile phones pose a serious threat to human health.

Ouriken application development & support services help you maintain your business-critical mainframe applications & replace legacy applications. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

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3 Digital Marketing Strategies to Reach Local Consumers

Local Consumers need to be attracted by Local Businesses. Reaching the right consumer at the right time seems like an easy job to do, but it can have many challenges, especially when consumer searching behavior shifts towards journeys. It means consumers may search the same phrase over and over for a month or so, but the expectation of search results varies as they progress in their buying journey. This concretizes the fact that consumer wants personalized results, and if the results are located near to them, then the consumer will be happier. As a matter of fact, reports of Google states that “near me” mobile searches have increased over 500% in the last few years.

What’s in it for local businesses? We need to reach the consumers where they spend a lot of their time, which is mobile devices. And it will be even better than your competitors at doing so.

There will be a need for the right tools and technology in order to make this happen. Thankfully, companies are adapting technological advancements and it makes it easier for local businesses to get their hands on these digital marketing tools and use them to reach nearby consumers. Let’s look at the three ways

Location Extensions for PPC Ads

We are able to show ads with more information about your business location with the help of Location Extensions. It allows searches to see click-to-call and direction links with the proximity to our businesses.

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We can take advantage of location extensions to drive searchers to take action directly from your ad, driving calls, foot traffic, and leads to your businesses. Most of the Digital Marketing Solution Providers focus on the PPC Ads with location targetting to achieve most out of the campaign. 

In-App Ads and Deliver Real-Time offers

Many digital marketers confuse themselves when they see the report that consumers are not using mobile phones they think they’re on desktop, but in reality, most of the consumers spend time on mobile apps. Research shows that 90% of smartphone time is spent on apps. So the question arises, how to reach that local consumer base, well the answer is in-app advertisements, like geofencing, display relevant advertisements to consumers when they are using their favorite applications near your business. In realtime consumers see these ads who are in near proximity to our business, display the ad with a compelling message, like an offer or a coupon, which will eventually drive traffic and sales the business would have not gotten otherwise.

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Optimized Google My Business Listing

To local consumers, advertising is not the only way to promote our business. One of the most downloaded and used the app from Google is – Google Maps, so it’s important to make sure your business is visible in it, with a requirement of all your information being correct and the link you have provided in the listing, links back to your website. Not only having a claimed Google My Business Listing that’s consistent with your website is an important factor in the site’s SEO, but it will also help your listing get found in local map searches on both web and mobile.

optimized google my business listing

Make Nearby Consumers happy and drive Conversions and Conclusion

All these mobile marketing techniques emphasize the need to have a mobile-optimized website also responsive website for your business that is appealing to nearby consumers who find you on a mobile device. Ensure that your website is built to capture leads from all your digital marketing and advertising strategies but also looks great and works well on mobile. Featuring a call-to-action button and an email submission form on your website or landing page which means you can get more than just clicks from your marketing.

web push notification, pushpushio

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value.

Common Problems in Web Designing and how to Avoid it

While developing a website you can face a lot of problems which can ruin your whole development process, the precious time you had invested in developing the project and the resources as well. In this blog, I will be sharing a few common issues, time-suckers, and other things that arise that can deviate a project.

Each Website project is different, but according to my experience, there are a lot of common problems that arise in the phase of website designing. And we do our best to acting in advance to deal with the expected change guide course of designing very clear of any issues so we can save our client’s time as well as budget in Website Designing services.

Here is a compilation of 4 common problems/issues we have observed in web design projects over the years and how to avoid them effectively.  In order to keep your website production smooth and at a budget.

Wrong people in Charge

Many clients think that we are vendors they pay us to do the designing the websites, so all the responsibility is our own.

It’s very important to know that it’s a collaborative effect whenever we are beginning a web design project. To help you achieve your goals, we take our knowledge of the web, best practices and your option to create a website. To get there we need to have a point-of-contact that will be engaged, communicative, well-organized, and understand the large goals of the project.

We have run into issues where this does not go as expected, so once there was this client running the project without seeking approvals or feedback from anyone else on the team. Without the knowledge to us, we received approvals on things and then we got to the final stage. But when the CEO saw what we made, she hated it and we had to start over.

Assigning a wrong person in charge can be very destructive for the project’s budget and timeline – according to what we have seen. We should manage our time in terms of communication because the person in charge was not doing what they’re supposed to do, the less time we need to create a beautiful website.

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Ignoring the budget

The trickiest subject to deal with when it comes to a project is its budget. We arrange our projects based on the number of hours we think it will take. Based on historical data from previous websites, we come up with our estimates. We estimate our deadlines accordingly.

We give updates on where we are with a budget, as we move throughout our web design project. Just address the concern and try to be mindful of the hours if you find out that the design phase is already wasting the development time.

Web Designing Services

 Some clients have requested that we keep updating the design and hope that we will have enough for the rest upon knowing this information. It does become an issue sometimes and clients end up getting very close to their budget or exceeding it.

You should hear those concerns and make any important adjustments to preserve the budget for the remainder of the project if your web designer is bringing up a budget in the design phase of the project.

Radio Silence on Feedback

There are many website projects which are based on approvals. We typically start with a sitemap/wireframe whenever we begin with a new project. And once that is approved, we go ahead with the design.

It’s important to really review the drafts you are given and make sure its what you want, it’s typically a red flag that they didn’t really review it and will probably change down the road if clients are too swift to approve a design. Make sure your review is thoughtful and specific.

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Assumption of the Template is a Right Method

We will sometimes recommend using a template to keep the budget low. Website templates help us put out a product quickly. But many clients opt for the template for the wrong reasons and don’t consider the long term consequences.

It doesn’t work in the long run, while the templates help us keep the budget less. A template has its own limitations. It could be further edited beyond its capabilities which will force the designer to use the custom website design, which will make the cost to custom website design so there is no use of using the cheap template for the use.


It doesn’t mean that every website project is doomed from the beginning, but if you are aware of the common problems, you can work with your company to avoid it effectively. We work hard to make our clients happy and to make a successful product that produces amazing results. And by collaborating to work on issues.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

9 Tips to Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

Since the past five years, there has been a major growth seen in the migration of consumers from desktop to mobile because smartphones allow users the accessibility at any time from anywhere. That is the reason why the businesses are shifting a major part of their development from desktop to mobile, with a goal of developing mobile apps will give exposure to the business, improve the loyalty of customers, and therefore building a stronger brand altogether. It will happen because mobile apps enable customers to interact with a brand personal space. However, extravagant app development cost acts as a discouragement to the company when developing a mobile app for their brand.

Costs for developing mobile apps shouldn’t be expensive. So we will discuss some of the points to reduce unnecessary costs without compromising on the quality.

Efficiently Planned Mobile App Development Process

Mobile App Development is a complex process that requires several iterations and modifications before achieving the final product. The basic requirement of the mobile app is that it provides the user experience which customer likes, for making it possible there are many changes in the process and each change ascends the app development costs. To lower costs from the initial stage is to have many ideas of how the customer can get the best version to enhance the user experience. By weighing the pros and cons of various ideas and brainstorming with the team at the initial stages will be very effective in cutting down some costs. You can choose to implement only the feature in which users want reducing a sufficient amount of costs in the development process itself by reducing too many alterations.

Preparing a Sketch of Final Product

Coding is just a base of the development process, it is very important that the developer has the vision of a clear goal of expectations from the app or the kind of the interface that needs to be provided by the customer. You can easily communicate the expectations of the customer to the developer by sketching the app and its interface so he can use it at his initial point for designing the interface and workflow to match the expectations of the customer. It will prevent unnecessary reworking of the app design that adds to mobile development costs.

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The decision of Platform for the App

There is a various platform where you can develop your app – iOS, Android, Windows, always ensures that the app reaches more users when the company is trying to keep the costs low, it might make more sense to target a single platform. The best way to choose a platform to work on is to analyze what major consumers like and to work on it. By choosing one platform out of three, you automatically reduce the cost of app development to almost two-thirds. And chosen by many of the clients, cross-platform development is an economical way to make the app ready to be deployed on multiple platforms.

mobile app development services, cross platforms

Outsourcing the Project

Many companies think to outsource as a loss for their development project, but on the contrary, it comes with a host of benefits. First, since you hire the development team only for a short time, paying them hourly, the app development costs cut down significantly than if were to hire an in-house development team as you would continue to pay them a fixed salary. Without knowing it, the number of hours they worked on the task. Secondly, you get access to not only to the skills of the expert developers who have experience in app development but also to much more design of the app.

Use Existing Technologies and Resources

Like we discussed in the above point, outsourcing the mobile app development to a developer with a skill set is that you can make optimal use of existing templates and frameworks he has developed for previous builds. By opting for pre-existing frameworks that meet your requirements you can significantly cut down development time, reducing app development costs in the process.

Framework Testing

Many companies make the mistake of not testing their app thoroughly in a rush on making it live in the market which results in not only a loss of reputation of the brand but also an increase in the app development cost for correcting the flaws. Testing the framework before launch will give us the idea of what is not working properly and fix them as soon as possible cutting downtime as well as costs.

Look for an Expert Mobile App Development Company

The mobile app development process requires skilled experts in various areas working together to build the app. That’s the reason you should look forward to hiring a mobile app development company who provides app development services who has good experience in app development for the various platform, besides offering end-to-end services, app development, design, and marketing. By doing this the cost of app development will be lower than if you have to outsource each service to a different agency.

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Don’t Rush for the Launch

Reduction of development times will lower the costs, its no brainer to not rush in the process without following a systematic approach that includes, testing. Otherwise, any imperfections or bugs will be noticed only once the app is used by the customers, which will diminish the user experience, and affecting the brand value.

mobile app development services

Keep it simple

It doesn’t mean that more features mean good experience. The Excitement factor in the initial stage of the app development process is understandable but it not only increases cost but also makes the app too heavy and also lengthen the development process. Highlighting the best features of an app that are essential for rand or business will keep your costs down.

web push notification, pushpushio

Ouriken application development & support services help you maintain your business-critical mainframe applications & replace legacy applications. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.