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How To Use Google Analytics to track the website performance

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing website performance. It provides detailed insights into user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates, among other metrics. While it can be intimidating for beginners, with a little guidance, anyone can learn to use it effectively.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll cover the basics of Google Analytics and how to use it to track your website’s performance.

Setting up Google Analytics

The first step is to create a Google Analytics account and add your website to it. To do so, go to the Google Analytics website and create an account. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll need to add your website by creating a new property.
To do this, go to the Admin section of your Google Analytics account and select “Create Property.” You’ll then be asked to provide information about your website, such as the URL and industry category. Once you’ve provided this information, you’ll be given a tracking code to add to your website.
The tracking code is a small piece of code that you’ll need to add to your website’s HTML code. This code allows Google Analytics to track user behavior on your website.

Understanding Google Analytics Metrics

Once you’ve set up Google Analytics, the next step is to understand the various metrics it tracks. The following are some of the most crucial metrics to monitor:

Sessions: This is the number of visits to your website within a specified period.

Users: This is the number of unique visitors to your website within a specified period.

Pageviews: This is the total number of pages viewed on your website within a specified period.

Bounce rate: The percentage of website visitors who leave after only viewing one page.

Average session duration: This is the average amount of time users spend on your website per session.

Conversion rate: This is the percentage of users who complete a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

Analyzing User Behavior

One of the most valuable aspects of Google Analytics is its ability to track user behavior on your website. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into how users interact with your website and identify areas for improvement.

Here are some of the key user behavior metrics to track:

Traffic sources: This shows where your website traffic is coming from, such as organic search, social media, or referral links.

Pages per session: This shows how many pages users view on your website during each session.

Exit pages: This shows which page users are most likely to leave your website from.

Behavior flow: This shows the path users take through your website, from the landing page to the exit page.

Tracking Conversions

One of the most important metrics to track in Google Analytics is conversions. A conversion is any desired action that a user takes on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. By tracking conversions, you can determine which pages and campaigns are most effective at driving user engagement.

To set up conversion tracking in Google Analytics, you’ll need to create a goal. A goal is a specific action that you want users to take on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Once you’ve set up a goal, Google Analytics will track how many users complete that goal and provide insights into which pages and campaigns are driving conversions

Using Google Analytics Reports

Google Analytics provides a wide range of reports that can help you gain insights into your website’s performance. Here are some of the most useful reports to keep an eye on:
Audience Overview: This report provides an overview of your website traffic, including the number of sessions, users, and pageviews.
Acquisition Overview: This report shows where your website traffic is coming from.

Limits And Disadvantages Of An ERP: How To Avoid Them?

For a long time, ERP has taken its place among the strategic IT solutions that the company must consider in its arsenal. A working tool in a multitude of contexts, ERP has also received criticism on its limits and drawbacks. What does an ERP know how to do well, and what are its weak points? A good understanding of the scope of an ERP makes it possible, on the one hand, not to be disappointed by the tool, and on the other hand, to find the solutions available to circumvent such or such a limit.

Let’s start by recapping what ERP excels at. ERP is a solution designed to manage and analyze operational data. To achieve this, the ERP collects them at all the points where they are generated and centralizes them in its database. The interest: is to connect them, so that they mutually provide context, analyze them according to all the rules of management of the activity, and the company to come up with performance and management indicators. Thus, the ERP gives visibility on everything that happens in the activity and generates savings, optimizations, and better performance.

However, to achieve these results, an ERP requires total integration within the company’s information system, which represents a real strategic project, but is also the cause of many criticisms – too heavy, too expensive, too complicated, not flexible enough, nor scalable…. What exactly is it?

“An ERP is too expensive”

An ERP indeed involves a certain acquisition cost – hardware, licenses, integration, user training – and ownership costs, in particular maintenance and updates over the entire life cycle. But on the ERP market, this traditional on-site deployment sits alongside SaaS offerings, i.e. cloud-hosted ERPs, available online in service mode. The cost structure is then different, moving from an investment to an operating expense. The latter corresponds to the price of a monthly subscription calibrated for the number of users and desired features. This subscription, therefore, replaces the costs of acquisition and ownership of the other model and proves to be much more economical access to an ERP.

Either way, hosted on-premises or in the cloud, it should not be overlooked that ERP generates such savings and removes so many burdens, that its ROI is the best response to its cost. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the question of the cost of the ERP in a long-term perspective and to calculate all the financial gains that it will generate.

“ERP implementation is overly complicated.”

Inevitably, a system that is fully integrated into the company, consolidates all the rules for managing the activity, and collects data in all the departments requires an implementation of the same scope. Hence the criticisms point to a questioning of the company’s processes, heavy configuration, and difficulty interfacing with the information system.

It’s all about preparation. Indeed, equipping yourself with an ERP requires overhauling all the company’s processes, an essential step in defining the expected functionalities and guiding the choice of the solution. It’s the perfect — not to say unique — the opportunity to streamline processes, eliminate duplicates, and identify what’s missing or not well-established. All to start again on sound and relevant process management rules.

In addition, this preparatory work makes it possible to define the expected functional field and to make it THE primary criterion for choosing the solution. Therefore, the company that opts for an ERP adapted to its processes and its functional needs has little risk of coming up against a problem of poorly adjusted scope. In other words, rigor, anticipation, and preparation of the project are the best allies to circumvent many of the heavinesses often criticized for ERP.

“There is always a boundary where the ERP demonstrates a weakness.”

ERPs come in the form of modules, each dedicated to a functional package. In some projects, companies reacted to uneven quality between modules. Another remark in this sense: an ERP always has a weak point.

You should know that ERPs of different profiles occupy the market. Some are generalists, including solutions from world-renowned publishers. Others are designed for smaller structures. ERPs will also become vertical with functionalities specific to a business. It is therefore necessary to fully understand this varied offer and to make the right choice to rule out any “weak” functionality on a critical perimeter for the company.

Thus, industrial companies cannot do without functionalities specific to their trades, in particular Computer Aided Production Management (CAPM). An ERP that has difficulty following manufacturing processes in all their subtleties – for example, supply requests, stock movements, ordering of OFs, monitoring of the quality of the parts produced, etc. – will inevitably fall short of expectations. It is therefore recommended to choose an industrial ERP designed with all the required features as standard. When this is the case, the ERP has no reason to have a weak point on the most strategic parameters.

“An ERP is difficult to learn”

An ERP indeed implies changes in working habits and proves to be a solution with a vast functional field that users must learn to use. This is why it is necessary to prepare the handling of the solution well before it enters service in the company.

Tool training is essential. It should not be forgotten that if the company has chosen an ERP well suited to its activity, its use will follow business logics that users have acquired before switching to the new ERP interface, which also facilitates the adoption of the tool.

When the deployment of the ERP generates major metamorphoses, you should not hesitate to plan a change management action. Like training, this initiative is anticipated well before the implementation of the ERP, upstream of the project.

“ERPs are rigid and not very scalable”

This remark deserves all the more to be challenged as the ERP brings precisely a lot of flexibility in the operations. Indeed, it instills consistency and homogeneity in the data and avoids many tedious manual entries, such as redundancies. By interconnecting the operational data of all departments, ERP breaks down silos and streamlines communication. Finally, its analysis of data, the resulting trends, and indicators facilitate anticipation. It is thus a key performance and responsiveness tool.

However, some companies indeed find themselves struggling with an ERP that no longer allows them to develop. This is often the case when the company has not done a real 5/10 year projection work to anticipate the functionalities it will need in the future. New trends and requirements, particularly related to digitalization, are emerging at the heart of the industry. This comes back, once again, to the ERP project itself and all the preparatory work to be done upstream.

It should also be noted that ERP publishers invest in R&D to develop their solutions, and adapt them to connectivity with more recent-generation software solutions during their life cycle. Finally, in their SaaS versions, ERPs are solutions kept at the forefront and very scalable.

In summary, a meticulously conducted and documented ERP project gives the industrial company every chance of installing a solution that is perfectly adapted to its activity and meets its expectations.

How IT Consultancy Become Important?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, technology plays an increasingly critical role in driving success and growth. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, many businesses find it challenging to keep up with the latest developments and trends. That’s where IT consultancy comes in.

IT consultancy refers to the practice of providing expert advice and guidance to businesses and organizations on how to leverage technology to achieve their goals. IT consultants work closely with their clients to understand their unique needs and develop customized solutions that help them optimize their technology infrastructure and operations.

Here are some of the key reasons why IT consultancy has become so important in recent years:

Rapidly changing technology landscape: With technology evolving at an unprecedented pace, businesses need to stay on top of the latest trends and developments to remain competitive. IT consultants can provide valuable insights and expertise on emerging technologies, helping businesses leverage them to their advantage.

Increased reliance on technology: As businesses become more reliant on technology to run their operations, they require more sophisticated and complex IT systems. IT consultants can help businesses design and implement these systems, ensuring that they are secure, reliable, and efficient.

Cost-effective solutions: IT consultancy can help businesses reduce costs by identifying inefficiencies in their IT infrastructure and recommending cost-effective solutions. This can lead to significant savings in the long run, making IT consultancy a smart investment for businesses of all sizes.

Specialized expertise: IT consultancy firms employ highly skilled and specialized professionals who can provide expert advice and guidance on a range of IT-related issues. This can be especially valuable for small and mid-sized businesses that may not have the resources to hire full-time IT staff.

Strategic planning: IT consultancy can help businesses develop long-term strategic plans for their technology infrastructure, ensuring that it aligns with their business goals and objectives. This can help businesses stay ahead of the curve and anticipate future technology needs.

In summary, IT consultancy has become increasingly important as technology continues to play a critical role in businesses and organizations across industries. By leveraging the expertise of IT consultants, businesses can optimize their technology infrastructure and operations, reduce costs, and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Achieve success with Google Analytics

Behind the apparent success of a website lies a significant amount of work. It is necessary to find an innovative concept, set it up in an attractive way from the point of view of the visual aspect, and find a host that corresponds to your needs. Once these three aspects have been put in place, it remains to create unique and quality content. To increase your number of visitors, it is then necessary to implement marketing campaigns and optimize your referencing for search engines. But these efforts must be measurable and analyzed to test the effectiveness of SEO measures, in terms of advertising placement or net linking. This is why online analytics tools prove to be of great help and deliver exhaustive data on the behavior of visitors. Google Analytics is the most popular and well-known tool for achieving these ends. 

 What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a tool for analyzing websites and was created by the Urchin Software Corporation. Previously called “Urchin Tracking Monitor”, this tool was acquired by Google in 2005. The results are based on various cookies, which collect various information on the behavior of visitors to a website. The analysis of this data makes it possible to establish precise statistics, which makes it possible to answer the following questions from administrators:

  1. How many visitors came to the website and for how long exactly?
  2. What is the visit time on the site and in particular how long per page?
  3. Did people come to the site directly from Google, another search engine, or through another website?
  4. Are the users located in the region, on the territory, or abroad?
  5. What is the conversion rate (the number of visitors who have become buyers or who have taken actions on the site, for example, a download, a purchase, a registration, a click on an advertisement, etc.)
  6. At what stage of the visit did users leave the site?

Using this visitor information, Google’s analysis tool can define and classify different categories of users. Nevertheless, Google’s data collection methods are often controversial when it comes to respecting personal data. The leading search engine indeed stores data on servers in the United States, as well as analyzed user profiles, which may even correspond to a particular person if they have a Google account. 

How can admins take advantage of Google Analytics?

The data collected on users is an opportunity to be seized to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the content. It also allows you to assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. For example, you can link your Google AdWords account with your Analytics account, and easily filter which keywords have the expected success. It also allows you to analyze which points need to be optimized in your campaign. You can identify which pages are performing best on your site from information collected on visitor bounce rate and clickstream.

Configure Google Analytics for your web project

To use Google Analytics with your website, online store, application, or social networks, it is possible to open an independent account on or to link your Adwords account to the ‘tool. You’ll find the tracking tool under the “tools and analytics” tab, which requires a Google account. Define a site, an application, or a store in the properties and choose which users can have access to the data. If you want to get precise data on the conversion rate, set specific actions beforehand.

Once the tool has been defined according to your expectations, you can link your Google Analytics tracking code to your Web project. For this, the Google Tag Manager is very effective, especially if you add other tags to your website. If you only use the Google Analytics tracking code, manual integration directly into the HTML code of your pages is possible. For CMS like WordPress, there are additional modules to integrate the code with the system requirements. If you want to analyze the behavior of users on an application, it is necessary to use Google Analytics SDK (Software Development Kit) for Android or iOS. Alternatively, the Google Tag Manager for Mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) for Android and iOS is another effective solution, available for download.

5 Important Elements to Be Considered While Designing an E-Commerce Website

Creating an ecommerce website can be difficult. There are numerous factors to consider, ranging from site performance to user engagement. Its one thing to create a simple website, but creating an ecommerce website presents its own set of challenges. To begin with, ecommerce sites are designed not only to inform and showcase your brand online, but also to allow customers to shop. As a result, designers must ensure that the site is intuitive and simple to use in order to generate sales. Without sales, the website’s entire purpose is lost. If you’ve ever wondered what the rules and website design ideas are for creating an ecommerce website, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll show you some of the most important features an ecommerce site should have:

As more consumers prefer to buy goods online, launching an ecommerce website can help you take your business to the next level. ouriken consulting, to be similar to what you were doing with your shared website.

How does that help you?

An online store can help you reach more people around the world, retain existing customers, and attract new ones. It allows people to look at your products and buy them from anywhere, at any time. Because an ecommerce store is always open. Simply put, the number of ecommerce businesses is growing for a reason. Regardless of the size of your company, you should plan and build an ecommerce store.

Is there anything else?

However, in order to ensure the success of your online store, you must create an eye-catching and functional ecommerce website design. You must create a visually appealing website with a good user interface that is optimized to increase conversions.  So, what does it take to create a fantastic online store with an eye-catching ecommerce website design? Let’s take a closer look.

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How Do You Design an Effective Ecommerce Website for Your Business?

A good ecommerce website design can assist you in presenting yourself as a trustworthy and legitimate company, which is what customers are looking for. If you want to successfully grow your online business, your ecommerce corporate website design should include the following elements.

  1. A Simple and Clean Design

The success of an online store is heavily influenced by the design of its website. In fact, 48% of people judge a company’s credibility based on its website design. Busy designs quickly lose their appeal. Similarly, the more elements you place on a web page, the more they may distract users from the store’s main purpose. Removing unnecessary elements can assist you in drawing your visitors’ attention to what is most important. And there’s more.

A minimalist website will also load faster, allowing you to reduce bounce rates and engage more visitors. If you don’t want to make a mistake with the look and feel of your website, website design templates can come in handy. They are code-free and professionally designed to give your website a clean, professional appearance. So, if you want to optimize your store for more conversions, keep it simple and keep the focus on closing the sale. Ecommerce website designs that are clean and simple are always preferable.

  1. It Is Essential to Conduct a Site Search

According to statistics, 30% of visitors to ecommerce websites use search to find the products they are looking for, so it is critical to ensure that the search functionality is available and easy to use. Furthermore, it is a good idea to use features such as auto complete to assist users in finding popular products or items related to their searches.

Another important method for assisting users in finding products is faceted search. This feature allows them to narrow their search in a variety of ways, such as by department, size, price range, manufacturer, and so on. Providing this functionality empowers users to find what they need by allowing them to narrow their searches to exactly what they are looking for.

A word of advice: Make sure product information is fully defined and well organized in order for searches to return the best results. This will allow for faceted search and better search results in general.

  1. Security is important.

SSL should be supported by all ecommerce website sites in order to encrypt sensitive information. This is especially true for credit card and payment information, but it also applies to any customer information such as address, phone number, email address, and so on. Customers expect their personal information to be secure when they make an online purchase, so ensuring that SSL is implemented is not only a good idea, but absolutely necessary for ensuring that your customers trust that their information will be secure. Furthermore, security is required for any business that accepts credit card payments to meet PCI compliance. Don’t keep credit card information in your website’s database. While it may appear to be a good idea to keep card information on file to make purchases easier for customers, doing so poses a significant security risk, and if your database is compromised, you will be held liable for the loss.

Related Post: Why do companies Redesign their Website every year?

  4. Improve Site Performance

Customers are likely to leave if your website is slow. According to statistics, 40% of users will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. This is especially true for mobile users, who are frequently multitasking while accessing websites design  are more likely to switch to another if a site is too slow. To avoid losing customers due to slow load times, make sure your site is optimized to run as quickly as possible. Here are a few suggestions to make your site run more smoothly: Combining a site’s JavaScript or CSS resource files into single files speeds up user interaction with the site because users only have to download one JavaScript file or style sheet rather than five or ten. Compress images to provide the best visuals at the smallest possible size, thereby reducing download times.

Reduce the time spent sending data between the web server and the database server by using caching. Keeping these aspects of an ecommerce website in mind during development will help you ensure that you are providing the best experience for your customers, but there are many more elements to consider when developing your site. You’ll want to plan for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and keep your product data organized, as well as think about how to target your content to different users and a variety of other factors.

  1. Responsiveness to Mobile Devices

A sizable number of users shop online using their mobile devices. To ensure that visitors have a positive experience, optimize your website for mobile devices. Responsive design can improve the usability of your ecommerce website. Visitors should be able to quickly access all of the important features, offers, and products on your mobile site

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Why do companies Redesign their Website every year?

Credits: Jagruti Singhal

The reason why companies redesign their website every 3 years is due to changes in technology. Technology runs fast and just like that websites also get outdated. Nobody wants an obsolete website on a network full of new and modern websites with unique web designs. Hence, to keep up with the modern trend’s companies redesign their websites every 3 years which keeps the company’s website fresh and does not allow it to fade in the crowd.

Redesigning a website does not only include changes in graphics or keeping up with trends but also changes in SEO and speech-specific keywords. SEO tactics keep changing every few years and due to this reason companies should redesign and update their websites every few years.

When do you know it’s time to redesign your website?

Firstly, without beating around the bush, you must redesign your website every 2-3 years. If you want your website to stand out and do not wish for it to vanish in thin air around the new modern websites with trendy web designs on the internet you must keep updating and redesigning your web every few years.

Now let’s have a look at the list of things that will help you to know that your website needs an update:

1.Visually Outdated: 

First impressions matter a lot! Let’s be honest, if you meet a person for the first time you are going to judge him through his outward appearance like fashion, hygiene, or beauty, etc. Just like that, websites are also judged. No visitor is going to keep scrolling and going around your website if they find it visually unappealing. If you haven’t redesigned your website in more than 5yrs then guess what? You need a website redesign.

An outdated web design either gives the impression of not being in touch with modern trends or the website company just doesn’t care. It may also give the impression of the website and company being shut down. Due to this, you may lose tons of customers. 

2.Heavy texts:

We live in a visually appealing world. If your website consists of more words & texts than graphic designs, images, and icons then without giving it a second thought you should start redesigning your website.

No visitor is going to scroll through your website that’s full of heavy texts. It’s not only uneasy for the eyes but it’s also overwhelming, and no matter what type of message you are trying to convey it will most likely get lost, misread, or unread. 

People have an average attention span of 8 seconds and you need to use it wisely. A text-heavy website will not only give the visitors a hard time reading but will also block the call-to-action buttons which may lead to visitors giving up and leaving the website.

3.Slow Loading:

Like we said before the attention span of visitors is 8 seconds and you want to capture their attention in those 8 seconds for them to actually engage on your website. 

In a world full of fast network connections, if your website takes a lot of time loading it will lead to visitors losing their interest and moving on to another website.

Hence, your website must load within 3 seconds. No visitor is going to be around on the website that takes more than 10 seconds to load unless it’s really an important website. 

4.Not Responsive to Mobile Device:

Responsive web designing servicesn average person spends more than 5 hours on their smartphone which means having a mobile responsive site is a must! People need information as fast as possible and smartphones are the devices that are very much convenient to use. 

A visitor will most likely check your website on their mobile-first and once you grab their attention, they will move to their other devices like laptops, etc to have a good experience. A website displayed incorrectly on a smartphone will make visitors lose interest.

No matter how good your website is, if it does not display correctly on a smartphone it will lead to a loss of visitors. 

Web redesigning surely has many steps but taking time and evaluating your presence online will surely lead you one step ahead of your goals. 

Generate More Online Sales with Website Redesigning Services!

The need for online and inside sales is growing day-by-day in modern times and there are different approaches to be pursued to increase it. You may be pleased with the fact that you have a website at the moment, but does it draw enough audiences?

Below are some signs that your website will need to be updated to improve your revenue online.

Ranking is Low

If you witness website traffic going down, then it is a warning that the architecture might be obsolete. The website should be optimized in such a way that the search engine results page (SERP) is easier. As per the report, websites that have invested in the renovation of the SEO guidelines website get over 50 percent of the overall internet traffic.

Content is outdated

One of the key ranking criteria is the creation of quality content that will inevitably lead to more traffic, higher ranking, and desired results. Content is not a king, but a KINGDOM. Content is far more relevant than simply filling out web pages. The material can then be revised from time to time to consider the popularity of different keywords.

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Mobile users are not engaging

Since half of the overall visitors are smartphone or tablet users these days, websites should be mobile-friendly. This is also one of the main reasons why it should be responsive to the smartphone.

The speed of the website is slow

Time is the engine of the soul of every business. If the website’s pace is sluggish, the user interface will also be affected. If the customer interface isn’t successful, it might be tough for company owners to persuade their target markets of it. If it takes longer than 5 seconds to open, 53% of smartphone users leave the page. Eventually, the translation rate and bounce rate would be impacted. In comparison, Google also penalizes websites with a poor page speed rate, which prevents their search engine presence.

All Competitors have recently updated theirs

It is true that one does not blindly imitate their rival and have their own market plans, but if your rival produces results outshining yours after upgrading the website, then it is time for you to upgrade yours as well.

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If you are facing some of the problems mentioned above on your website, then it is time to contact us to redesign your website. This will encourage you to reap the advantages that come with it by redesigning the website.