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How to Keep Your Website Ahead Of the Competition

Marketing a website in 2019 is very challenging. The rivalry is extremely intense, and if you don’t think smart, almost someone else will think smarter than you. Navigating effective website marketing strategies may sound labyrinth as there are plenty of traps to avoid and things you should not do. Whether you are new to creating a successful website or you’ve been doing it for a long time, items you’re missing might still be apparent.

Don’t worry; to help, we’re here. There are many ways to sell and advance the website from the competition, and some of these methods are more obvious than others. Some might give you a thinking break. Here are just a few of the forms we found effective in keeping your website ahead of your competition and becoming a market leader.

Involving others

It may sound strange, but the ratings of your website can really be sponsored by other people. Marketing staff tends to rely on artificial intelligence – algorithms and ratings and machines – a little too much. All this is good, but there is no suggestion that comes from a real person, quite like that. To get the website into a human-edited web directory would be an example of how to do this. Human edited web directories ensure that websites are reviewed and chosen on the basis of engaging insightful content, not only selected by an (admitted advanced) algorithm because they tick boxes. Networking with others will raise your visibility, give you a good reputation in your family, and allow you to differentiate yourself from others.

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Investigate the Competitors

If you don’t know who they are, you can’t know if you’re offering better products than your competition. Checking out the peers and how they treat web design and communication is no embarrassment. For your website, market research is essential if you want to remain competitive, as there is a risk that your competitors will all do something that you overlook. Make sure that you follow one and that you can’t go far wrong. Ask yourself what you can repurpose for your site and how can you be the best you can for the visitors and customers once you’ve learned what your competitors are all about.

Create a unique brand

It sounds obvious, isn’t it? “Be different because you are special.” Maybe this doesn’t feel like the world’s freshest insight. But you would be shocked at how many small site owners and content developers just don’t grasp these basic building blocks to make the page stand out. If you are new with your content, simply because you are original and individual, you will attract tourists. It applies not only to the page itself but also to the ancillary material connecting to it – youtube videos, social media updates, the influencers to which you contribute, and so on. Find a niche that is not being filled at the moment and look to fill it. People will begin to consider your product as being made to your rivals from a different cloth, and word-of-mouth advertising is going to work for you.

website designing services

Establish a good presence throughout social media

Modern advertising has been destroyed. Long-long advertising influencer. With your blog, you won’t get anywhere if you don’t set up a presence on social media. This will certainly all of the competitors do. Roughly 2 billion people were using social networking sites and applications back in 2015. Imagine how rapidly this number has risen since then. If you don’t develop your own profile on Twitter and Instagram, you’re just not hitting a large enough audience. If you want to reach a mass audience, Facebook is also relevant. Video content will also need to be created via Youtube. Ask yourself if your brand could benefit from this type of content, and if it’s not, ask yourself if there is no way you might change it a little. Social media is the key to going forward.

Use as much personal content as you can

This should go without saying, but if you want your website to stand out, you have to use as much content as possible that does not appear on their websites. Do not use stock pictures, photos, or sounds (when possible). If you need to use stock media, make sure the stock media is not widely used. Needless to say, DO NOT plagiarize material from other sites, even if the content is somewhat rewarded. You’re going to be found out and the massive hit to your reputation would not be worth it. If you are not comfortable in your ability to build your own brand, then search for talented staff that can support you in this endeavor. Trust us, it’s worth it.

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Achieve Straightforward interaction

You need to know what your brand is about before you build your website. Try the o quick, a short phrase about what you are doing. If you can’t do that, at the planning stage, your idea will be flawed and you will have to start again.

Try to use it as a model for all the text content you make on your page once you have your sentence. Simply and clearly communicate your beliefs and brand to your audience. The more confused the core identity of the brand is, the fewer people can understand what you are trying to do. In particular, it’s definitely a good thing to strive for a simpler and more open website. Imagine being a client. Want to wade through menus and violet prose to figure out what you’re after? Write and it will evolve for your audience.

Ouriken‘s standard web designing services include many features that contain home, blog, images, faq, contact us and many more. It is the best web designing firm. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]

Common Problems in Web Designing and how to Avoid it

While developing a website you can face a lot of problems which can ruin your whole development process, the precious time you had invested in developing the project and the resources as well. In this blog, I will be sharing a few common issues, time-suckers, and other things that arise that can deviate a project.

Each Website project is different, but according to my experience, there are a lot of common problems that arise in the phase of website designing. And we do our best to acting in advance to deal with the expected change guide course of designing very clear of any issues so we can save our client’s time as well as budget in Website Designing services.

Here is a compilation of 4 common problems/issues we have observed in web design projects over the years and how to avoid them effectively.  In order to keep your website production smooth and at a budget.

Wrong people in Charge

Many clients think that we are vendors they pay us to do the designing the websites, so all the responsibility is our own.

It’s very important to know that it’s a collaborative effect whenever we are beginning a web design project. To help you achieve your goals, we take our knowledge of the web, best practices and your option to create a website. To get there we need to have a point-of-contact that will be engaged, communicative, well-organized, and understand the large goals of the project.

We have run into issues where this does not go as expected, so once there was this client running the project without seeking approvals or feedback from anyone else on the team. Without the knowledge to us, we received approvals on things and then we got to the final stage. But when the CEO saw what we made, she hated it and we had to start over.

Assigning a wrong person in charge can be very destructive for the project’s budget and timeline – according to what we have seen. We should manage our time in terms of communication because the person in charge was not doing what they’re supposed to do, the less time we need to create a beautiful website.

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Ignoring the budget

The trickiest subject to deal with when it comes to a project is its budget. We arrange our projects based on the number of hours we think it will take. Based on historical data from previous websites, we come up with our estimates. We estimate our deadlines accordingly.

We give updates on where we are with a budget, as we move throughout our web design project. Just address the concern and try to be mindful of the hours if you find out that the design phase is already wasting the development time.

Web Designing Services

 Some clients have requested that we keep updating the design and hope that we will have enough for the rest upon knowing this information. It does become an issue sometimes and clients end up getting very close to their budget or exceeding it.

You should hear those concerns and make any important adjustments to preserve the budget for the remainder of the project if your web designer is bringing up a budget in the design phase of the project.

Radio Silence on Feedback

There are many website projects which are based on approvals. We typically start with a sitemap/wireframe whenever we begin with a new project. And once that is approved, we go ahead with the design.

It’s important to really review the drafts you are given and make sure its what you want, it’s typically a red flag that they didn’t really review it and will probably change down the road if clients are too swift to approve a design. Make sure your review is thoughtful and specific.

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Assumption of the Template is a Right Method

We will sometimes recommend using a template to keep the budget low. Website templates help us put out a product quickly. But many clients opt for the template for the wrong reasons and don’t consider the long term consequences.

It doesn’t work in the long run, while the templates help us keep the budget less. A template has its own limitations. It could be further edited beyond its capabilities which will force the designer to use the custom website design, which will make the cost to custom website design so there is no use of using the cheap template for the use.


It doesn’t mean that every website project is doomed from the beginning, but if you are aware of the common problems, you can work with your company to avoid it effectively. We work hard to make our clients happy and to make a successful product that produces amazing results. And by collaborating to work on issues.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

8 Free Ways to Promote Your Business

Every business wants their products or services to be seen by potential customers. But, most of the traditional ways for promotion costs money and not everyone can afford it if they are just starting up the business. Well, there are ways to promote your business without spending a dime. So, let’s get into the list of the ways of 8 ways to promote your business. These ideas will not cost you money but they will surely cost you some of your precious time.

Optimization of Website for Search Engines

In this digital world, what people do when they want to buy something? Well, they search for the product or service on Google or other search engines of their choice. The process of information gathering takes place about the product. They try to collect data from the internet so if your website is not the list which they are searching for their information on, so you virtually do not exist.

The easy fix for this is to hire a digital agency that can do the optimization of your website for you but, even in that case you need to be aware of the process, so that Google cannot penalize your website for some wrongdoings or against its algorithm. By reading some guides on SEO you can tweak your website and rank higher on Google and on other search engines as well. The good thing is agencies would not be able to fool you if you know some of the processes.

8 Free Ways to Promote Your Business

Business Listing

Vendors are being searched on business directories by buyers. If your products are mostly B2B, add a free listing on IndiaMart, Trade India and Indian Yellow Pages. These are some popular business to business directories.

And if you’re products or services are B2C then you can list your business on Just Dial, Ask Me and Get It for free. The biggest advantage of these platforms is that they have mobile apps and that attracts a huge audience.

If your business is selling software’s then SoftwareSuggest is a very good directory to list your business. The categorization of the software’s on this website is quite good, like HR, CRM, ERP, etc. Many small businesses have been profited by this.

Listing On Google My Business

Google is trying to make the search personal and now displays results that are tailored for your location. For example, if we search for McDonald’s, Google will show you the outlets in your city with a map. So, if your list your business on Google, it will be very beneficial for you, and it is necessary to get listed on Google as the rate of competition is increasing very rapidly.

Adding your business is very easy, Google made sure that the process is simple for addition and managing the added business for the location on the map.

Social Media is Powerful

Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, not only help you get more customers but also the engagement to get quality feedback from them for your products or services. One can get around 20% of traffic only from social media.

The key point in achieving most out of social media is the frequency of our posts, if we post regularly, the rate of popularity and loyal customers will increase. Business updates or news related updates can be shared with your industry. Competitor analysis on social media is very easy as well; we can follow some influencers and monitor their activity. Recommended is to post twice to thrice a week on Facebook and 2-3 times a day on Twitter.

8 free ways to promote your business

Answering Questions

It happens most of the time that people don’t get their desired answers on the Google search, so they turn up towards forums on the internet to solve their problems. QnA sites like Quora and Yahoo answers are one of the popular places where you can find new customers.  There are LinkedIn Groups that are also used for the QnA website.

How can we benefit from these sites? We first have to create accounts on these websites and start searching for your product or services; we will get a lot of questions related to your product or services. People will ask about the top companies that sell this product and they will compare different products and so on.

Always start by answering easy questions and then move the levels up a bit by bit. For Example in Ouriken, I searched for a web design and development company on Quora and got hundreds of questions related to the topic. Then, like I said start answering easy questions and keep recommending your website in the answers so that you will get organic traffic to your website that too, free of cost.

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The same thing could be done on Yahoo answers and LinkedIn groups, all 3 of them are a good source for organic traffic and very influential. Talking about good things, all these websites are crawled or indexed by Google so your answers will get displayed on Google whenever someone will search for it. Tip for answering in these websites is to have the intention of helping the needy first then we can sell our things in between. Nobody likes hard upselling.

Attending Networking Events/Meetups

The Concept is to visit Events/Expos/Meetups and increase your network in order to find new customers. You can just search for “Business events in (your city)” and Google will come up with the list of upcoming events if there are any. Most of the events are free of cost, you just have to bear the travel expenses and they attract potential customers as well as distributors/resellers/consultants.

Gradually, there will be a realization in you that people attend these events just to meet other people and increasing their network, eventually increasing their customers. Meetup is a site through which we can meet a lot of entrepreneurs and startup owners meet frequently using this site. People with open minds come here to meet and or open for new ideas sharing and partnerships in the existing startups.

Uploading Videos on YouTube

Over 4 billion videos are played on YouTube every day, and this number is growing exponentially. So, uploading videos on YouTube of your product or service is a no brainer. The best part is, search results of your videos will appear on the Google search result page giving your website more visibility.

For product, a 2 min demo video of the product will do, and for service, you can upload a testimonial of the client and upload it. You should always remember to put keywords in the title or description of the video so it ranks up. If you come up with interesting content that has the potential to go viral and hit the jackpot, leads will flood into your inbox.

Offering a Deal to Customers

Deal sites like Groupon and Coupon Dunia attract millions of users to their portals. So, have a meeting with the deal website guys, brainstorm with them and come up with a deal that your customers cannot resist. And you can a good number of buyers at no cost.

Once you have decided the discount to give to your customers, the deals website will do the promotion for you. Since they have a large database of registered users. This process of offering deals will be more or less will remain similar in other websites as well.

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These are just 8 ways, there can be or there are many more ways of promoting your business. You just have to be creative and have an out of the box thinking. Some of the points mentioned above will yield results instantly, and some will take its own natural time. If you’re on a tight budget for marketing you have to invest your time in it instead to promote your business. There are some startups who succeeded with literally ZERO marketing budget. If you have any other ideas to add in this list, I know there are. Feel free to comment down below.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

Why responsive website development is a must for business?


“What is responsive web design?”This is a basic question that comes to your mind when planning to develop your website and when suggested by your developer to go for a responsive website rather than a normal website.

So first let me explain to you what is this response website all about. The simplest way to define a responsive website is “a website that changes its layout according to the users’ device or screen size.” It’s basically an approach whereby a designer builds a web page that “responds to” or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through i.e; desktop screen,smart-phones.tablets or laptops.

Responsive Web designing has become a vital tool for anyone with a digital presence. These days we are witnessing a drastic shift of users from desktops to mobile devices. More and more people are using mobiles and tablet to view webpages. Recently Google also announced that will be considering mobile-friendly websites first while following their algorithms of Indexing and Crawling.

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website development

Responsive Website Vs Traditional Website

Canonical Tags

Responsive website prevents canonical problems and duplicate content. This is an important benefit when using a responsive website design as against traditional design as is it eliminates the need for canonical tags. Such tags are being used currently in the traditional web designs to make three different websites into one. By using the responsive web design, this method is no longer needed to limit the duplication of content in mobile or desktop versions.

Content remains consistent

Responsive website development helps retain the content as consistent across sites. In the case of traditional web design, this content issue is a great concern as the developer has to maintain several versions of the website especially when any change has been made to the content. But in case of responsive design, it will keep these versions the same and consistent across the board. That means, when any change is made, that will appear correctly on the desktop computer, mobile phone, and the tablet. This enhances the value and position of the website to visitors and to all of the search engines.

Compiling In-bound links

A responsive website compiles or gathers all of the inbound links to one location. This helps to solve the problem of traditional web designing company in relation to inbound links by utilizing the same URL for multiple devices. The competition on the Internet is immense and companies or businesses are all aiming to get to the peak. To get to the top of the ranking, every website gets votes. And these votes grow from the plenty of credible inbound links that the website gets. So more the inbound links generated by your website helps it to rank on the top of the search engines. So it is very essential for all inbound links that come from a wide range of devices to be verified and counted.

website development

Lower Cost and Less Time

One of the benefits responsive web design and its advantages the traditional designs are more affordable and less time-consuming. The cost of building a responsive website is lesser than a traditional website. The time consumed also is less as at one go the website is developed on platforms available in the market. Whereas in the case of a traditional website, the developer has to design different layouts and versions for different devices.

Lower Bounce Rates

A responsive website gives a much better user experience to the visitor as compared to a traditional website. Since if the user is visiting a traditional website on a mobile device it is more likely that the layout or display will not be that appealing. But in case of a responsive one, it does not matter from which device the user is accessing the website as it changes dynamically as per the user’s screen size, indirectly reducing the bounce rate. Also, it is more likely that the user will stick around for a longer period of time and explore different areas of your website. Alternatively, if your website is not responsive, it is very difficult to keep the visitor engaged and its more likely that they will bounce.

So to conclude we may say that a responsive website benefits not only the designers or developers but the businesses and, most importantly, users. As people are shifting their usage on the internet from desktop to laptops and laptops to tablets or mobile devices!

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.