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What is Email Marketing Automation? Why Businesses use it?


You’ve probably heard words like “email drip campaigns” and “marketing automation” a lot recently. Email automation is becoming a crucial component of a smart company’s online marketing strategy.


Email marketing automation, contrary to popular belief, is all about cultivating customer relationships. You may use the automation process to integrate your customer data and all of your marketing channels together to create a closer relationship with your customer. If done correctly, email automation can be incredibly personalised.

Email automation campaigns can be as easy or as complicated as your company’s goals and resources allow:

  • A simple email automation campaign consists of a few emails sent out on a regular basis to everyone who, for example, enters your online contest.
  • Workflow diagrams with decision matrices based on your prospects’ behaviors might be part of a comprehensive email automation campaign. You could, for example, create an automation campaign with the purpose of achieving a product sale.

Related Post: How to Find the Right Email Marketing Services for Your Business?


Why Does My Business Need Email Automation?

For a variety of reasons, your company requires email marketing automation. Finally, automation is required to nurture client connections, increase new client sales, and convert new customers into repeat purchases. Brevo provides an email automation feature in which you can save time and boost performance by sending automated marketing messages.

Reasons why Small Businesses need Email Automation:

1.Nurture Your Leads

An email has long been considered one of the most efficient ways to nurture leads. Using an automated campaign, you may send your prospects a succession of highly relevant and timely messages.

The better you understand your customer, the more likely they are to stay with you. Even better, if you build a strong relationship with them, they’ll be more likely to tell their friends about you.

2.Send Personalized One-One communication

You can quickly customise your email campaigns with the help of decent email automation software and CRM.

A customised subject line can boost open rates by up to 35 percent. More advice on writing effective email subject lines may be found here.

Unlike social media, email allows you to communicate with your customers one-on-one. Your message will be delivered to them directly.

3. Reach Your Customer

An email automation campaign, which is related to social media, reaches your customer. We all know that the reach of social media platforms like Facebook is decreasing. You can manage the frequency of your reach with email, and you can be confident that your emails will get in your customers’ inboxes.

Twitter is a fantastic social media platform, but let’s face it: Most of your Tweets aren’t viewed by everyone. Most other services, such as Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and even LinkedIn, are similar.

4. Email Gets Read and You Get Seen

We all check our emails, and your customers do as well. Your emails are opened and read. Your email is still visible by your prospect even if it isn’t opened.

You enhance your customer touchpoints every time your emails “from” and “subject” lines are seen. As a marketer, you’re well aware that the more interactions you have with a consumer, the more likely they are to recognize your brand, remember your identity, and buy from you.

Related Post: How to Find the Right Email Marketing Services for Your Business?

5. Easy to Segment and Send Targeted Messages

It’s worthwhile to build up many email automation campaigns so that you may send highly targeted communications to your target demographics.

It’s worthwhile to build up many email automation campaigns so that you may send highly targeted communications to your target demographics.

You could segment your leads by:

    • Location
    • Age
    • Interests
    • Gender

6. Streamline Your Sales Funnel

Your sales funnel will be more efficient if you automate your email messages. You free up time for your sales staff to focus on the high-quality leads generated by your efforts.

When customers see your campaign landing page, you may track their click-through rates and other actions. Your sales team can then target the consumers who are most interested and engaged in order to close the deal more quickly.

7. Drive traffic to your Landing Page

Email automation can help you improve the number of visitors to your website. Invite your clients to visit you on new landing page campaigns in emails that build trust and enhance brand ties.

For example, we discovered that email marketing is the second most important source of traffic to our ebook pages (after an organic search).

People are more likely to click through to your website and specific landing pages if you send them an email.