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The Impact of Influencer Marketing -7 tips to Ace Web Design 

Influencer marketing has become a powerhouse for brands seeking to reach their target audience more effectively. Through this approach brands collaborate with influential figures on social media to promote products and services. This dynamic form of marketing has not only reshaped advertising but also significantly impacted web design. Here’s a deep dive into how influencer marketing is transforming web design practices. 

1. Enhanced Focus on Aesthetic Appeal 

Influencer marketing thrives on visual appeal. Influencers often curate highly aesthetic content to engage their followers. This trend has influenced web design by encouraging designers to prioritize visually appealing elements. Websites are now being crafted with a keen eye for high-quality images, cohesive color schemes, and stylish layouts that can capture and hold the attention of visitors, similar to the allure of a well-curated social media feed. 

2. User centric and Responsive Design 

Influencers understand their audience’s preferences and behaviors intimately. This understanding has driven web designers to adopt a more user-centric approach. Influencers primarily operate on social media, where their audiences engage via a variety of devices, particularly mobile phones. Consequently, when these influencers direct traffic to a website, it’s crucial for the site to offer a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions. This ensures that visitors have a consistent and engaging experience regardless of the device they use, which is essential for maintaining the trust and interest cultivated by influencers. A well-executed website design package can enhance mobile accessibility and usability and boost user satisfaction.

3. Incorporation of Authentic Content 

Authenticity is a cornerstone of influencer marketing. Followers trust influencers for their genuine opinions and relatable content. This authenticity is being mirrored in web design through the integration of user-generated content (UGC). Testimonials, reviews, and real-life product photos shared by influencers and customers are increasingly featured on websites, providing social proof and building trust with potential customers. This shift towards authentic content makes websites feel more relatable and credible. 

4. Interactive and Engaging Elements 

Engagement is key in influencer marketing, and this principle is being applied to web design as well. Interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and clickable infographics are being incorporated into websites to increase user engagement. These elements not only make the browsing experience more enjoyable but also encourage users to spend more time on the site, reducing bounce rates and improving overall user experience. 

5. Seamless Social Media Integration 

Given that influencer marketing is predominantly conducted on social media platforms, web designers are prioritizing seamless integration with these platforms. Features like social media buttons, embedded feeds, and easy sharing options are now standard. This integration allows users to effortlessly transition between a brand’s website and its social media profiles, enhancing the overall user experience and fostering a more connected brand presence. 

6. Personalized User Experiences 

Influencers often provide personalized recommendations to their followers, creating a sense of individual attention. Web design is following suit by offering personalized user experiences. Through the use of data analytics and AI, websites can now offer personalized content, product recommendations, and even tailored landing pages based on user behavior and preferences. This personalization not only enhances the user experience but also increases conversion rates. 

7. Storytelling Through Design 

Storytelling is a powerful tool in influencer marketing, and web design is harnessing this power. Designers are now creating narrative-driven websites that guide users through a brand’s story, mission, and values. By using elements such as immersive visuals, compelling copy, and interactive features, websites can engage users on a deeper level, much like how influencers engage their audience through personal stories and experiences.

The impact of influencer marketing on web design is undeniable. Furthermore, the power of influencers on branding enables established businesses to reach and engage their audiences, enhancing the efforts of web design. By focusing on influencer marketing, web designers can create websites that not only look good but also resonate with users and drive meaningful engagement. In this way, the principles of influencer marketing are not just transforming advertising but are also reshaping the very fabric of web design. 


10 Steps to Make Online Course Successful

Gone are the days where you might just ‘promise’ the opportunities in which you’re worth spending–now you’ve got to show. So, there is no better way to show your skills than by bringing together an online tutorial.

By teaching your subject you leave no shadow of a doubt that you know what you’re talking about, are excellent at what you’re doing and are an authority in your profession. As a website and business card, the online course is now as important to the toolbox of any developer, specialist, or opinion leader. One of the fastest and most impactful ways of getting your knowledge to a global marketplace, making a bigger impact, and making more money, is to download that knowledge dormant in your brain and turn it into a lead-generating, cash-making, impact-creating course online.

In this article, you will find an overview of the 10 major stages of the creation of online courses

While this is by no means an exhaustive list of all the items that need to be scheduled, prepared for and performed in order to build a good online course, it gives you the ‘stratospheric outline’ of the big milestones so you know what to expect and what the trip would look like before you start.

Pick the subject of the Ideal Course

The subject of the course needs to be something you enjoy. If you’re not passionate about your topic, it’ll be obvious if you don’t like your topic and make your workout as engaging as a sandwich in cardboard.

Don’t sound like you are going to have to teach a trade at the university level. Talk about the skills, strengths, and life experiences you’ve been through. Cooking your dream meals, interior decor, writing non-fiction, surviving a loved one ‘s death… the list of potential subjects for the course is infinite. In short, if you enjoy the subject, you ‘re good at it and you have the expertise (formal or life) in it, then you’ve got a subject that’s going to work for you.

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Ensure that the proposal for the course has strong business appeal

Hands up who wants to waste weeks of their lives designing an online course, with nobody to buy it at all? None. I didn’t believe it.

When you have chosen the subject for the online course, the next move is to run a variety of market research studies to determine if or not it has a business demand. Many course designers make the mistake of assuming that if there is a lot of competition in their field of the subject, then their idea, of course, does not fly. But in addition, this indicates that there is a high possibility that there will be good consumer demand for that concept of course, and perhaps worth more investigating.

The three main things to be checked for are:

  1. Were they thinking about it?
  2. Were people asking questions?
  3. Is there a gap in what that competition offers?

If the reaction to the three questions above is ‘yes’ and the idea is close but different from what’s currently out there, then you have an idea of course that has a chance of becoming a best-seller.

Render learning outcomes magnetic and convincing

Don’t underestimate the importance of the effects of research. When you don’t do that with your online classes, your image and your bottom line could be severely compromised–let alone making the course design process stressful.

Would you hand over your money to someone you don’t understand for a product, and have no idea what it’s going to do for you? Clearly not.

Just because you know what your course is going to give your students it doesn’t mean they’re going to know. If your students don’t know HOW your course can benefit them, they can definitely not participate in it. Training results simply illustrate what the learner will do, experience, and understand at the conclusion of the lesson, use observable verbs. Which skills would they really demonstrate? What new insight did they gain? What emotions are they shifting away from or to? Clear learning results also ensure that only RIGHT students join your course – which means higher completion and satisfaction rates, and lower requests for a refund.

Pick and compile material for your Course

It is the stage when many course designers are starting to fear to slip down ‘Eternal Procrastination Trap.’    

The biggest reason we get stuck here is mostly due to the sheer amount of information we have in our minds or in books, on our hard drives, in our notepads, and so on all around us. At this point, art is not only about what we should include in our course, but what items we can leave out. It is where the work you’ll be doing in the business review process and the learning outcomes come to serve you again now. As you sort through your piles of content, throw away anything that is not directly related to a learning outcome. Second, ensure that every learning result is consistent with content. Only include content that responds to burning questions from your audiences, or fills out gaps that your competitors have not met.

Structure your Course and Modules

That is the stage where you now take a look at all of your material and start organizing the common topics, suggestions, and insights into modules and then arrange the lectures within those modules in the most inclusive and rational way so that they form a fluid series of lessons.

Determine the safest and most efficient methods of implementation for every lesson

It is now time to focus on how best to produce your content. You ought to be mindful of the various other learning values, learning styles, and all the different ways you can implement the training and make sure the training is as enjoyable as possible.

Are you going to have videos, reading content, audio content, activities? Which sort of graphics do you want to have? Were you going to have places in Group learning? You ought to ensure that you have a combination of visual, auditory, and realistic methodologies so that everyone is interested and has the best learning opportunity possible.

Filming, capturing and editing the classes online             

This is the Process of Development. Around now, you will have a detailed course schedule, all of your material together and know exactly how each aspect of your online course will be presented.

This is the time for the fun aspect-to get on tape. For example how you execute your teaching depends largely on what the client wants to engage with, and which approach more successfully achieves the learning outcomes.

The most powerful form of distribution at present, however, is film. This could be ‘talking head’ footage when you’re on camera in the picture. You would also be able to get ‘black screen’ talking head videos.

This means that you are recording behind you with a green background-where you have a green screen, during the editing process you can have anything behind you. It could be a picture, cartoons, or even a still image, behind you. I use the green screen to get my PowerPoint presentations in the post-editing process that’s perfect for my classroom style preparation.

Another approach is called screencasting, which is where you film your computer screen–you may opt to add a screenshot of your own form of camera on top of it. You can very quickly learn how to edit the videos yourself. It helps you to easily delete editing and replace your green screen, correct your sound, apply icons, text and pop-ups, and your videos; save them as an mp4 and then upload them to your learning network online.

Create your Online School

The first thing to remember here is that there are three big ways of marketing the courses online.

  1. Digital marketplaces for course
  2. Learning Management Systems
  3. Plugins on your website, or apps.

Your own Academy is a learning management program that you can connect to your website and totally market as your own channel. It makes the production of the learning items online fast and quick to sell.

My choice is Thinkific (I’m running all of my courses on this platform), so if you’re already early in the discovery process, here’s a rundown of all the items you should be searching for in an LMS (Learning Management System).

Having the right price strategies and tapping into a business model focused on greater knowledge

Assure that you have strategized how and where your online course will fit into your business model as a whole.                                                   

Each of these will mean that your course needs to be slightly different in design, provide a different volume of value, have different marketing methodologies, and put your followers and students into very different types of funnels. It would also have a huge effect on the price you choose to add to your online course so that it suits the role it is offered within your company properly.

There is no right or wrong price for an online course, or even recommendation quality because it depends so much on what you offer. But as a starting point, my advice is to evaluate and compare your proposal against competing goods in the marketplace –take a look at what your rivals are paying for and selling, and then figure out how good and better yours could be. Once you have improved yours, the quality of mine would be marginally higher instead. Never lower the price because that’s only going to make it look like it has less worth than the rivals.

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Release and Campaign Continuing

If you think the job is done now that you’ve finished your course online, think again now that the real work is off! Too many course designers make the mistake of assuming that they will now have an income stream after their course is developed. To advertise your course and recruit students, you need to launch and continuing marketing campaign.

  • Can you run discount deals on early birds?
  • Will you have a marketing campaign for content and will sell your courses online?
  • Would you want to run ads?
  • Have you got a list to market for?
  • Can you partner with those influencers?
  • Will you want to run an affiliate program?
  • How are you going to use these social media?

And the list goes on….

Be sure you have a marketing strategy for your online course for at least 18 months, and note that the second you quit promoting is the second one you quit offering.


So, there you have it-a ‘birds-eye-view’ of the big milestones in the development of online course!

Hopefully, these steps will give you a clear sense of what to expect from your online course design and marketing path.

Why and How to Optimize your Website for Mobile Devices?

In these modern times of technology, it is very important for websites to be accessible across a variety of devices. Mobile traffic has been seen a significant, steady, and rapid increase in the coming years and it finally overtook the traditional desktop and laptop computer users in 2015. And changing the algorithm of Google favors mobile-friendly sites. A change in the Google search engine in April 2015, giving priority to those websites that display well on smartphones and other mobile devices, nicknamed, Mobilegeddon has penalized those websites who were not providing an adequate experience for mobile users forcing their website owners to invest more in the mobile upgrades giving a helping hand to app development.

We found a significant drop in traffic for non-mobile-optimized websites while monitoring the websites of some users and customers, while mobile-enabled websites saw a slight increase in incoming traffic which we attributed to a higher search engine ranking.

Create your mobile-friendly website

Non-mobile-optimized try to cram a traditional website into small limits of a mobile device, making the content difficult if not impossible to read and much harder to navigate. On the contrary, mobile-friendly sites adapt to the screen resolution of the device. The text is large enough to read, images adjust to the screen frame size, and navigation buttons are accommodating to a touch.

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Redesign of a website – Full

The first approach will always be to make a new remake of the website.

website optimization, website redesign, responsive website

Older websites that did not have major changes for 5+ years, full redesign works best for such websites. Coding and Web Designs standards underwent some major changes over the last 5 years and it’s often more efficient to start work from scratch rather than to try an older version of existing code and design. Across both traditional and mobile screens, the new website will benefit from the modern look and accessibility.

Conversion of an existing website into responsive coding

The second approach would be to convert an existing website to responsive coding.

website optimization, website redesign, responsive website

If there is a clear separation between HTML and CSS code the original website was built according to W3C standards. To support responsive design, the website could be converted. Screen elements automatically adjust to the resolution of the device and thus provide an optimal viewing experience in a responsive site. Content-rich websites that do not require excessive user interaction.

Building a Standalone Mobile Website

The third approach would be to leave your traditional website as-is and make a stand-alone mobile website.

website optimization, website redesign, responsive website

Mobile websites can share the same data and CMS (Content Management System) as a desktop website, so both websites can be managed through a single place. The standalone mobile website gives the owner complete unconstrained freedom over the layout of the elements and functionality, so the mobile website may look and feel quite different from its desktop counterpart. For an e-commerce website, this approach works best where the user interaction is very different between stationary and mobile devices.

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Converting WordPress website to mobile

Getting a responsive website is quite easy if you’re using WordPress as your content management system. You will need to install a responsive theme, whether it be free or premium. All content immediately becomes mobile-friendly.

We at Ouriken consolidate, optimize and standardize technology/products to bring technology simplification, cost reduction and then to overcome technology obsolescence/skill issues. Ouriken application development & maintenance services help you maintain your business-critical mainframe applications & replace legacy applications. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.

What is Web 1.0, 2.0, & 3.0?

Web 1.0

In the evolution of the World Wide Web, Web 1.0 refers to the first stage. With a huge majority of users who are content consumers, there were only a few content creators in Web 1.0. Personal web pages were normal, hosted on ISP-run web servers consisting mainly of static pages, or on web hosting services.

Advertisements on Web 1.0 were banned while surfing the internet. Web 1.0 enables to showcase of the piece of information on the websites which is known as Content Delivery Network (CDN) also can be used as personal websites. Cost formula is per page view and it has directories that enable users to retrieve a particular piece of information.

Design Essentials of web 1.0

  1. Pages are static.
  2. From the file-system of the server, the content is served.
  3. Using Common Gateway Interface (CGI) or Server Side the page sare built.
  4. To position and align the Elements, frames and tables are used on a page.

Web 2.0

User-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end-users are some of the highlights of Web 2.0 which is also known as a worldwide website and another name for it is a participative social web. It doesn’t refer to any modification to technical specification, but to recreate in a good way web pages are designed and used. When the changes have occurred the transitions are beneficial, but it doesn’t seem that way. Collaboration is allowed with each other by Web 2.0 in a social media dialogue as the creator of a user-generated cant in a virtual community. Web 1 is an enhanced version of 2.0. In web 2.0 development the browser technologies are used, and it includes ajax and JavaScript Frameworks.

Features of Web 2.0

  1. It permits users to retrieve and classify the information collectively, and it also provides free sorting of information.
  2. It provides dynamic content that is responsive to user input.
  3. By means of evaluation and online commenting, information flows between site owners and site users.
  4. APIs are developed to allow self-usage, such as by a software application.
  5. Web access leads to an issue different from the traditional user base to a wider variety of users.

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Use of Web 2.0

To share the perspectives, thoughts, opinions, and experiences the social web contains a number of online tools. Web 2.0 applications tend to have a conversation much more with the end-user. The end-user is also a participant of the 8 tools mentioned below:

  1. Podcasting
  2. Blogging
  3. Tagging
  4. Curating with RSS
  5. Social Bookmarking
  6. Social Networking
  7. Social media
  8. Web content voting

Web 3.0

The evolution and utilization of web interaction with the inclusion of alteration of the web into the database. After a long time of focus on the front-end, it enables the upgradation of the back-end of the web. To describe the evolutions of web usage and interaction among several paths web 3.0 is used. Instead of owning data, it is shared, where services show different views for the same data / same web. All the development process is done in Web 3.0, and all the Website Development Companies uses Web 3.0 for the website designing services.

Web 3.0

Establishments of “the world’s information” is promised by the semantic web (3.0) in a responsible way than Google can ever attain with their existing engine schema. From the perspective of machine conception, this is particularly true as opposed to human understanding. It is necessary for the semantic web for the use of a declarative ontological language like OWL to produce domain-specific ontologies that machines can use to reason about information and use it make new conclusions, and not simply match keywords.

Features of Web 3.0

Semantic Web

There is an involvement of the semantic web in succeeding in the evolution of the Web. In order to create, share and connect through search and analysis based on the capability to comprehend the meaning of words, instead of keywords or numbers, al this is used in the development of and improvement of the semantic web.

Artificial Intelligence

Mixing this capability with natural language processing, computers can distinguish information like humans in order to provide faster and more relevant results in web 3.0. to fulfill the requirements of the user it becomes more and more intelligent.

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3D Graphics

In Web 3.0 the three-dimensional design is being used widely in websites and services. Computer games, museum guides, eCommerce, geospatial contexts, etc. are some of the examples that use 3D graphics.


Thanks to semantic metadata, the information is more connected to web 3.0. As a result, the UI evolves to another level of connectivity that leverages all the available information.

web push notification, pushpushio


The services can be used everywhere, content is accessible by multiple applications. Every device is connected to the web.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our standard web designing services include many features that contain home, blog, images, faq, contact us and many more. It is the best website designing firm.

Maintaining a Website’s SEO After a Redesign

Planning to redesign your website but afraid of the SEO rankings? There need is some need to considering the maintenance of SEO rankings and your website’s DA before, after and during the redesign process. The aesthetics of the site is not the only thing you need to worry about when you think of redesigning your website, but we also need to take some time to look into the maintenance of SEO for your website and ways to improve it as well.

Many companies, since maintaining SEO for a website is a big deal nowadays, fail to understand the importance of attention to SEO while the redesigning of their website, but it affects them a big-time after in time. You could wipe out all your previous SEO efforts if maintenance of SEO is not done carefully. With major Web Design and Development activities, there are both technical and non-technical areas to consider for. Specific steps must be taken care of to ensure that you don’t demolish your SEO quality when transitioning from old site to new one.

Core Areas to Consider

There are three main areas to look upon in order to maintain the SEO rankings when redesigning your website:

  • What is acceptable with your current SEO efforts
  • During a redesign, what might be the possible common challenges
  • Changes that will come with a new website

You will be able to find out your weakness in SEO by focusing on these areas so you can improve it later.

Monitoring your SEO

If you have campaigns in place and currently monitoring your SEO rankings regarding those keywords then you have a good amount of data to analyze. In that case, one must be really aware of the keywords they rank for, the mapping for each keyword, the exact placement in rankings and the pages that deliver the highest organic traffic.

SEO monitoring

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Common Challenges to Face with SEO in Redesigning Process

There are a lot of issues that may pop up when you work on a site redesign, focus on rebranding, improving User Experience, and updating of backend. There is a list where one could face challenges:

  • Removed Content
  • Changed Content
  • Movable content based on the new site’s navigation or site map
  • URLs might change
  • Changes in Page-level optimization
  • Addition of new content, sections, technology, new features
  • New Technical difficulties
  • Internal Link structure edits
  • Changes in Domain or Sub-Domain
  • Changes in Protocol

These are the areas which may impact SEO in a redesign. It may be very hard to identify exactly what needs to be addressed with so many possible changes. Out of the above-mentioned challenges, changes in a domain are one of the biggest challenges as compared to other challenges, but each and every challenge must be overcome and the more challenges you have the more difficult it will be to maintain your SEO rankings.

How to not lose your SEO rankings checklist and redesign at the same time

Before starting the redesigning process it’s very important to undertint the best practices to preserve your SEO rankings. Some of the parameters are as follows:

An SEO audit must be run on your current website

Understanding all the keywords you are attempting to rank for and with what the pages are associated with. You should be concerned about pages and specific on-page optimization beyond redirects, which go from the Dev. to the live line state.

Setting up 301 and 302 redirects

First and foremost, you must redirect the old URLs to new ones. You’ll need to have a spreadsheet of all needed redirects if you’re making changes to permalink structure. Crawl the old list of URLs to ensure that everything redirects as it should once you have the new site live.

A permanent redirect from one link to another is called a 301 redirect. This redirection is used for website visitors and search engines, a 301 redirect is better for SEO over a temporary one because it transfers the internal link as well, approximately 90-99% of the time. This redirection method is the preferred method for new sites.

And a temporary redirection is called 302 redirects, redirecting users and search engines to the desired page for a short period of time until it’s removed. In order to give your users a seamless experience, you should use it during the update of a web page. What they say is right, excess 302 redirects will affect your SEO, so be careful when using it.

Maintain Website's SEO after a redesign

Multiple Tests

Assuming the live site will perform the same as a dev. site is kind of stupidity. A lot of time and resources are probably invested in testing, but in the real world, things can change. Usage of technical tools for site audits like Moz, Ahrefs, or DeepCrawl, these tools provide insights on technical issues. Also, running your domain through the mobile-friendly testing tool and the loading speed of the new website must be checked too. Last but not least, schema markup on the new website should be done and must not be forgotten.

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How to Avoid Mistakes

We’ve covered almost everything that you should do, but how can we avoid mistakes that can cost you your SEO rankings.

  • Don’t start over on the content: If the content on your website is ranking, then you must not abandon it. If you do it will affect the rankings.
  • Redirects are your friends: when a 404 Page Not Found error is displayed to the user, which means the pages have dropped off Google’s index.
  • Internal linking is the key: Always remember to push this to the new website.
  • Outbound links must be added on need.
  • You can use Ahrefs to find these pages that have high rankings and multiple backlinks, try to preserve or transfer them.


As the brand evolves, redesigning a website is a move that most companies should make. In order to maintain the SEO rankings, you must follow these best practices from a website redesign. Never start over on the content like your old website never existed, it will affect the rankings so bad. Feel free to add your tips, tricks, and suggestions in the comments below.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations.